Friday, September 01, 2006

September 1, 2006

California looks to copy Canada's health-care system

California legislators are poised to vote for a "Canadian-style" health-care system this week, in a bill that would outlaw private care throughout the state.

They know all about you

Every time you use an internet search engine, your inquiry is stored in a huge database. Would you like such personal information to become public knowledge? Yet for thousands of AOL customers, that nightmare has just become a reality……"All of this information is stored. Google identifies every computer that connects to it with an implant (known as a cookie) which will not expire until 2038."

Pentagon's Special Forces in Iraq Understaffed, U.S. Study Says

The Department of Defense units that perform covert operations in Iraq and Afghanistan are so undermanned that some missions are being curbed, according to a congressional report.

Downer knew there were no WMDs in Iraq, says key weapons inspector

A key weapons hunter hired by the United States says the Australian Government did not want to face the fact that there no weapons of mass destruction and that no evidence of programs to build them were found in Iraq.

Baker meets Sunni leaders in Iraq

Former U.S. Secretary of State James Baker, who heads an independent panel charged with taking a fresh look at U.S. policy in Iraq, met the most senior Sunni leaders in the Iraqi coalition government on Friday.

(Why does the Washington Post refer to James Baker

as the former Secretary of State and not as a current

senior partner at the law firm of Baker Botts and senior

counsel to the Carlyle Group; a war profiteer?)

Pentagon Gives Gloomy Iraq Report

Sectarian violence is spreading in Iraq and the security problems have become more complex than at any time since the U.S. invasion in 2003, a Pentagon report said Friday.

Bush Makes Backdoor Appointment to Wage and Hour Office

President Bush this afternoon made another backdoor appointment to his administration. He used a recess appointment to install a lawyer who represented Wal-Mart with a long record of urging restrictions to the Fair Labor Standard Act’s (FLSA’s) overtime pay and other provisions to head up the U.S. Department of Labor’s Wage and Hour Division.

US drivers subsidize European pump prices –report

U.S. drivers helped to boost Big Oil's record profits more than their European counterparts, by paying more for gasoline once taxes were taken out at the pump, according to a report released on Thursday.

NIST To Probe Whether WTC 7 Downed By Bombs

NIST today released a page on its website that is intended to answer skeptic's questions about why the towers and WTC 7 were the first and only three buildings to collapse from fire damage alone.

NIST's World Trade Center FAQ - LINK - On August 30, 2006, the National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST) posted on their website a list of fourteen frequently asked questions (FAQ) and answers to them. NIST should be commended for at least addressing a number of the serious questions that have been raised with regard to its investigation. However, NIST's new FAQ avoids answering the central charges of its most visible critique, Building a Better Mirage.

NYC releases guidelines for 9/11 ills

The New York City Health Department issued long-awaited instructions to doctors Thursday for treating and detecting illnesses related to the Sept. 11 attacks, including a warning that smoking can make those health problems worse.

Why No TVNL Election Race Coverage?

To report election news without ensuring the legitimacy of our electoral process would be nothing more than a deception. …………..If I were to ignore the illegitimacy of our election process and pretend that polls were actual reflections of public opinion I would be lying to you. We do not elect our officials any more for the most part. Decisions about who may even run for office are made by people other than the voting public. Presidential candidates must be approved by the Council on Foreign Relationsm, not by the voting public (can you say “Howard Dean?”), and we have a rigged computerized voting system……..So if I report news about who is leading in a poll I would be pretending that the system was legitimate. It is not; but my reporting is. To report election news without ensuring the legitimacy of our electoral process would be nothing more than a deception. JESSIE

Va. Senator Who Used Slur Declines Award

A senator who had singled out an Indian man at a campaign event and referred to him as "Macaca" declined a leadership award from a minority scholarship fund Thursday after donors protested his selection…..Thurgood Marshall Scholarship Fund donors had threatened to withhold contributions if Sen. George Allen, a Republican seeking re-election this fall, received the fund's Community Leadership Award.

Education Dept. Shared Student Data With F.B.I.

The Federal Education Department shared personal information on hundreds of student loan applicants with the Federal Bureau of Investigation across a five-year period that began after the Sept. 11 terror attacks, the agencies said yesterday.

States face new driver's license requirements

Some of the common requirements that all state driver's licenses and identification cards must share under the 2005 Real ID Act (The Department of Homeland Security expects to release full details of such requirements by year's end.):

N. Fayette
’s own ‘Silent Summer’?

Let me tell you about the birds and the bees. Many have vanished or are dying in north Fayette and south Fulton. Let me tell you about the dogs and the cats. Many are sick and dying and refusing to go outdoors in north Fayette and south Fulton.

Supreme Court case challenges Bush stance on global warming - California and 11 other states are suing EPA to force curbs on greenhouse gases

California and 11 other states have joined with environmental groups in a legal attack they hope will compel the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to take action to curb the release of heat-trapping carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases entering the atmosphere.

(We live in a nation that has to take legal action in order to

get the Environmental PROTECTION Agency to PROTECT


Top scientist's fears for climate

One of America's top scientists has said that the world has already entered a state of dangerous climate change.

(And one of America's top idiot criminals continues

to ignore science and endanger the future of life on Earth.)

Changing climate: 'Compost effect' may cause global warming to reach crisis point in 2050

The world faces a catastrophic rise in global warming in 2050 unless urgent action is taken to cut human-induced carbon emissions, a leading academic warned yesterday.

US May Cover Israel's War Costs

A senior Bush administration official said Wednesday that if asked, the US is likely to grant Israel additional military aid to cover the costs of its recent war against Hezbollah.

(If this is true then every Israeli should pay U.S. income

tax. Did you vote for this in our so called democracy?)

Republican advisor to Iraq veterans group blasts Bush Admin. for 'fascist' language

"I am a proud Republican, who ran for my party's nomination for Congress in Indiana, because I believe in traditional values," said Sam Schultz, who served in Iraq and Afghanistan with the Indiana Army National Guard and acts as the Republican Senior Advisor to, in a press release received by RAW STORY.

Many on Quest for truth about deaths

Many of these family members told the Army Times, a Springfield, Va.,-based newspaper that circulates primarily to soldiers and their families, of deep frustrations with the casualty-notification system and months or years of delays in getting answers to explain the deaths of their loved ones.

A Little Reminder To Secy. Rumsfeld From The Memory Hole

Rumsfeld's handshake deal with Saddam is indeed a history lesson more Americans need to remember.

Rumsfeld and Bush are Right About Evoking Nazism – But It’s the Mirror That They Should be Looking At

There are two fundamental choices that an individual has to make in terms of deciding whether to follow the Bush Administration/Goering siren song of war as a tool to amass absolute power by a small elite group of plotters.

A Democratic Dictatorship

But as uncomfortable as that term might make Americans, the fact is that ever since 9/11 Americans have been living under dictatorial rule.

Controlling the Masses: From Religion to Bernays

In this article, I will make an attempt at giving a very brief overview of the methods used to assert control over the masses, the use of these methods in past and present governments and the evolution of the methods themselves.

"Education and organization are the two major factors that must be in place for the people to exert any influence in politics. Knowing this, the ruling classes made certain for centuries that few had the opportunity to even learn to read."



"The military continues to say very little about the apprehension of a sailor who has been accused of selling highly classified information from a U.S. nuclear attack submarine to unspecified countries. A Navy source in Norfolk, Va., where accused spy Petty Officer Third Class Ariel J. Weinmann is being held, told American Free Press that it is one of the worst cases of espionage in U.S. history."

From Hype To Hysteria: Fox News Selling Preemptive War Against Iran Today Fox has aired multiple segments featuring pundits who claim that a U.S. military attack on Iran is both essential and imminent. Fox anchors repeatedly parrot these arguments. Watch a compilation of clips culled from the last several hours:

Viewers ask FCC to impose fines over president's swearing

The Federal Communications Commission has been asked by about two dozen people to impose financial penalties in connection with television and radio broadcasts in which President Bush was heard swearing at the G-8 summit in July.

Gene Therapy Found Effective Against Terminal Cancer

Scientists for the first time have genetically modified tumor-fighting immune cells, allowing patients to rid themselves of an aggressive form of cancer, according to a study released Thursday.,0,4059865.story?coll=la-home-headlines


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