Thursday, October 12, 2006

October 12, 2006


Never in the history of this country has a group risen to national power that was so completely contemptuous of the Constitution and Bill of Rights to the point of nearly legislating them out of existence.


American Prison Camps Are on the Way - Kellogg Brown & Root, a Halliburton subsidiary, is constructing a huge facility at an undisclosed location to hold tens of thousands of Bush's "unlawful enemy combatants." Americans are certain to be among them.


Baker's Panel Rules Out Iraq Victory - Currently, the 10-member commission — headed by a secretary of state for President George H.W. Bush, James Baker — is considering two option papers, "Stability First" and "Redeploy and Contain," both of which rule out any prospect of making Iraq a stable democracy in the near term.

US fears 'hell' of a response - PLANS previously drafted by the Pentagon predict 52,000 US military casualties and one million civilian dead in the first 90 days of conflict if America attacked Pyongyang.

In Iraq, contractor deaths near 650, legal fog thickens

110 Bodies Found in Baghdad in 24 Hours -The United Nations estimates that 100 Iraqis die violently every day.

Rice still denies Tenet claims: Does anyone really believe I'd ignore terror warning? (Lady - your bunch only knows how to lie. Your little soul is far from clean!)

John McCain says it's Bill Clinton's fault that six years into George Bush's presidency North Korea has finally built a nuclear weapon. (Do these people take responsibility for anything? Hint: No.)

Sen. Olympia Snowe (R-ME) on Tuesday joined a growing list of Republicans calling for a reassessment of America's strategy in Iraq. Snowe said in a statement that as conditions in Iraq continue to worsen, "there must be no question among the (Bush) administration, the Congress and the Iraqi unity government that staying the course is neither an option nor a plan."

Just When You Think Bush Can't Fail Any Worse Than He Has, He Surprises You: "Iraqi cop academy to shut despite surge in violence."

Former secretary of the Navy, John Lehman, shares his alarm about America's security: "We're building only five ships ; we're on the way to a 150-ship Navy."


Prison Sought for Former Bush Official

Exclusive: Book says Bush just using Christians - More than five years after President Bush created the Office of Faith-Based Initiatives, the former second-in-command of that office is going public with an insider’s tell-all account that portrays an office used almost exclusively to win political points with both evangelical Christians and traditionally Democratic minorities.

Bush Predicts GOP Victories in November. --- "Diebold guarantees the results!"

Commandant-in-Chief --- And when you get right down to it, torture is a lot like sausage and law-making. The United States of Torture: doesn't it make you feel proud?

Bill Maher: Americans Love Torture…-- How can you expect a nation to abide by the Geneva Conventions when 80 percent of our teenagers spend their idle hours playing ultra-gory video games?

More on "Operation Condor," What Horrors May Await America, Kissinger, and the Disappeared - This is no idle conspiracy theory. As we pointed out in our editorial, the U.S. Congress has now given Bush enough legal maneuvering room to declare U.S. citizens supporters of terrorists.


Experts claim EPA under fire from Bush Administration - Experts interviewed by RAW STORY indicated a wide swath of damage done by the Bush Administration to EPA. Political appointees, low scientist morale, and misuse of science extend across all aspects of government research and policy. It’s an impact that is bound to outlive the administration and might not be corrected by future presidents, the experts said.

Fraud, misconduct at EPA-used water quality analysis labs has 'put all of us at risk' - Increasing fraud and other misconduct at Environmental Protection Agency water quality analysis labs has put all of us at risk for contaminants and disease outbreaks, RAW STORY has learned. However, since the scope and risk cannot be measured, EPA is downplaying the findings.


Richard Viguerie interview, Founder of the Right Wing Direct Mail Fundraising and Alternative Media Strategy, Who Now Thinks Bush Has Betrayed the Conservatives --

Chris Shays To Kennedy: You're A Killer. Commentor writes the GOP Ad: "Sure, we covered up the fact that one of our guys was a sexual predator going after young boys, but hey, at least we didn't kill anybody!"


The Foley Scandal: GOP Starts Witch-Hunt Against Gay

Rove is Running the Hastert Cover-up Now. It's Right Out of the Bush PlameGate Playbook. "Hastert promises firings if Foley covered up." That's What Bush Said About PlameGate, But How Could Bush Fire Himself. How Can Hastert Fire Himself? Exactly.

HOW ROVE TWISTED FOLEY'S ARM: - It seems increasingly clear that the GOP congressional leadership, eager for every safe incumbent in the House to run for re-election, looked the other way as evidence accumulated that Mark Foley had a thing for pages. Holding onto his seat became more important than confronting him over his extracurricular activities.

Kolbe was a member of the Page Board when the earlier Foley emails were brought to his attention. Yet Kolbe claims he never told anyone else in Congress about Foley's behavior? Why not? He was on the Page Board? This doesn't sound right?

AP Exclusive: Reid got $1M in land sale - Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid collected a $1.1 million windfall on a Las Vegas land sale even though he hadn't personally owned the property for three years, property deeds show.

Massive Outing Coming Soon! 135 federal bureaucrats including NSA spooks, diplomats in the Middle East and somebody in the White House — bought phony university degrees from a diploma mill.


Senate Report: Five Nonprofit Groups Sold Clout to Abramoff - Five conservative nonprofit organizations, including one run by prominent Republican Grover Norquist, "perpetrated a fraud" on taxpayers by selling their clout to lobbyist Jack Abramoff, Senate investigators said in a report issued today.


Edwards seen tied with Clinton for '08 --- clear favorite in South Carolina's primary. "under the radar" strategy is building an impressive base of supporters around the country. Should now be considered on equal footing with Sen. Hillary Clinton

House GOP Revamps TV Ad Campaign Plans - House Republicans are scaling back television advertising reserved for four Democratic-held seats in Ohio, South Carolina and West Virginia, officials said Wednesday, fresh evidence of the party's struggles as it tries to retain its majority.

Fmr Virginia Gov Warner NOT Running For President...

Sen. Allen's Advisors Tell Him To “Shut Up” For Rest Of The Campaign...

Harris Trailing Sen. Nelson Big Time: 61% To 33%...

If GOP Wins, Bush Requests More Troops to Iraq, If Dems Win, Baker Moves Major Policy Change -

RNC Accidentally Leaks Donor List To NY Paper...In a breach of privacy, the Republican National Committee erroneously e-mailed a list that contained the names, races, and Social Security numbers of dozens of top Republican donors — and that identified two of the contributors as Muslim

It Ain't Over Till the Rove Guttersnipe Uses His Last Dirty Trick. "This election is far from over, and Pres. Bush and his cohorts are desperate. Their entire agenda –not to mention their freedom from investigation, perhaps indictment and even impeachment — rests on a Republican victory on Nov. 7. They will do anything to win."

Train jumps tracks. GOP Rep. Tom Reynolds isn't gloating anymore.

'Voter fraud' report 'buried'--- Democracy Hater, GOP Operative, Thor Hearne of the Phony Anti-American Front Group 'American Center for Voting Rights' is Back Spreading Propoganda for the Republicans! And the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights is Set to Help Them in a Hearing this Friday…


Home Price Drop Largest in 13 Years

Lou Dobbs Versus Robert Reich: Who's The Corporate Shill?
How do workers compete when skills are a sideshow to the relentless hammering down of wages? In the real world, the global economy is about one thing: labor costs.

US trade deficit hits record high

$247.7 billion in the red should be reading in the black

How stock options rob shareholders

Eaton Moves 130 Ohio Jobs To Mexico - Eaton said it will close a plant in Mantua next year, moving 115 of its 193 jobs to a factory in nearby Aurora and the rest to Reynosa, Mexico. The Aurora plant, which now has 161 employees, will also lose 52 jobs to Mexico.


BELLAMY CLAIMS 9/11 WAS AN INSIDE JOB --- MUSE frontman MATT BELLAMY has sensationally claimed 9/11 was an "inside job", insisting the attack on the Twin Towers and the Pentagon was orchestrated to give America a perfect an excuse to invade Iraq.

Rudy, dont take your love to town.. or the evidence. 9/11
Rudy, Rudy, Rudy, tampering with evidence is a felony, you of all people should know this.


Congress Members 'furious' at FBI for 'blackout' of 2001 anthrax attacks probe --- "The FBI has completely shut Congress out of its now five-year investigation into anthrax attacks on Capitol Hill and around the nation, with accusations flying up and down Pennsylvania Avenue about the probe into the worst biochemical attacks in U.S. history," Paul Kane writes.

Anthrax suspect remains as elusive as bin Laden

GOP accused of flip-flop on DUI issue - State Democrats are accusing Republicans of flip-flopping on two drunken driving bills that have become a central issue in the November election.


Union blocks U.S.-India healthcare plan - The United Steelworkers labor union has blocked a Canton, N.C.,employer

Group Challenges Ga. Sex Offender Law --- The Atlanta-based Southern Center for Human Rights filed a motion Thursday that outlines the cases of nine anonymous elderly and disabled offenders who would be evicted from nursing homes, trailers or relatives' houses if the law is enforced.


All Libyan pupils to get laptop and web access - Libya could become the first country to provide every school-age child with a laptop computer and internet connection under a scheme supported by the UN Development Programme.


Army Launching `Army Strong' Ad Campaign - The new approach, the fruit of a $200 million-a-year contract with a major advertising agency, was announced Monday by Army Secretary Francis J. Harvey. He said "Army Strong" will be the centerpiece of a multimedia ad campaign to be launched Nov. 9, timed to coincide with Veterans Day weekend.


Olbermann to America - ‘kiss your freedom goodbye’

Bill Maher: Americans Love Torture…-- How can you expect a nation to abide by the Geneva Conventions when 80 percent of our teenagers spend their idle hours playing ultra-gory video games?


Habeas Corpus: The Lynchpin of Freedom -While it might be tempting to conclude that the writ of habeas corpus is some minor legal procedural device that the president and the Congress have now canceled, nothing could be further from the truth.

The IgnoramUS --- What we don't know can really hurt us

A Call for Progressive Unity -a linguistics able critic

Our Daily Lives Don't Amount to a Hill of Beans in the Face of Nuclear War -


Former President Ford hospitalized

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Sales boom for size zero clothes - "The fashion industry showcases models with extreme body shapes, and this is undoubtedly one of the factors leading to young girls developing eating disorders."


More young Christian women abducted, raped in Iraq - Young Christian women are among the preferred targets of Iraq's growing abduction problem with many being raped and some committing suicide as a result of the shock, violence and shame they experience.

Four top doctors arrested over illegal human experimentation - According to a report issued by the investigations department of the Health Ministry and exposed by Haaretz, the hospitals in Gedera and Rehovot conducted illegal and unethical testing on thousands of elderly patients for years.


Prisoner pregnant in death row, solitary


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