Tuesday, October 31, 2006

October 31, 2006


HOPE YOU ENJOYED HALLOWEEN A MAKE-BELIEVE SCARE JOB. (Too bad we have a real one going on in the White House!)

A L E R T – election paper cut - OUCH!
Don't you wonder how much *they*paid Kerry? Geez, how could he say that and not be more clear or better yet just not have said it at all?

White House, Kerry exchange accusations


Kerry's Mangled Statement a Distraction --updated-- Kerry should just admit he screwed up his statement. It may be ugly, but it's the truth. And of course, St. McCain has already chimed in.


If You Are Against the War, Take This Quiz

U.S. Diplomat: Iran Bigger Threat Than North Korea: A senior U.S. diplomat on Tuesday described Iran as more dangerous than North Korea and said that besides developing a nuclear weapon, the Islamic state was undermining regional stability.

The Washington Post lets the truth about Iraq leak out: Soldiers estimate "it would take 30 to 40 years before the Iraqi police could function properly."


Hitler, Like Bush, Loyal To The Vatican - Certain things in history get lost in the shuffle like Adolph Hitler's loyalty to the Vatican and his eternal gratitude paid to the duplicitous Jesuit Order.

Laura Bush on Michael J. Fox: ‘It’s Always Easy To Manipulate People’s Feelings’ (((And conservatives have the nerve to call Hillary an insensitive woman!))) http://tinyurl.com/yxjg57


Stop Drinking At The K Street Trough: There's a big elephant in the room that no one wants to talk about--and I'm not talking about the Republican Party. It's the gusher of money flowing to Democrats from K Street lobbyists. And it is worrisome that so few progressives want to talk about this openly.

Texas Republican Is Holding Up $900 Million For Autism Research -


Money trails lead to Bush judges --- A four-month investigation reveals that dozens of federal judges gave contributions to President Bush and top Republicans who helped place them on the bench.


The Zogby lowdown - all the polls out there

U.S. Election Fraud 2006 Risk Assessment Update - Election Fraud and Digital Disruption Take on More Importance

Rep. Young predicts 'no GOP losses'

Will a shocking new GOP court victory and Karl Rove's attack on Ohio 2006 doom the Democrats nationwide?: The GOP has thrown Ohio's entire process of voting and vote counting into serious disarray. The mess is perfectly designed to suppress voter turnout, make election monitoring and a recount impossible, and allow the Republican Party to emerge with a victory despite overwhelming evidence the electorate wants exactly the opposite.

New ad 'gay-baits' national GOP chief

Jefferson County Voters Continue To Raise Concerns About Voting Machines : KFDM reported about people who had cast straight Democratic ticket ballots, but the touch-screen machines indicated they had voted a straight Republican ticket.

Orange County charges 11 with phony voter registration: Fraudulent voter registration charges were filed this week by prosecutors who said Democrats were unwittingly signed up as Republicans

$1 of nice for every $10 of nasty' in ads--Nearly $160 million spent on attack ads, only $17 million on positive ones.

Senator Allen's Staff Tackles Blogger --- Staff members of GOP Senator George Allen of Virginia appear in a video to have physically accosted a blogger who asked questions at a rally in Virginia. The blogger, Mike Stark, says he will press charges.

Sen. Dole blames Dem candidate for 'uncivil' blogger

Dem Iowa candidate asks Kerry to cancel campaign visit

Still Believe He Isn't George W. Bush's Favorite Senator? (If Lieberman beats out the Dems, does this tell us Connecticut is really a red state? 'Guess so.)

New Zogby Poll: Lamont within 4 points --- Connecticut readers, please try to support Lamont. You need a Senator dedicated to Connecticut, not to a foreign nation, and AIPAC needs to lose their cache as "King maker" in DC

New Poll: Harold Ford Leads Bob Corker By 5%...

Poll: Bush's Campaigning Not Helping His Approval Rating...

Liberal bloggers backing centrists


United States National Debt: An Analysis of the Presidents Who Are Responsible For Excessive Spending

Paulson re-activates secretive support team to prevent markets meltdown. Judging by their body language, the US authorities believe the roaring bull market this autumn is just a suckers' rally before the inevitable storm hits.

Economic Policy Institute: Minimum Wage -- Nine Years of Neglect

Thousands of Students "Join Sex Trade to Fund Degrees" (Hey George - can't you do better than this? Why did you take big chunks out of money help for aspiring grads?)

Future Tax Shock - Meanwhile, multimillionaires are not being snared at nearly the same rate as other filers.

US auto sales seen up for October

Chevron 3Q Profit Soars to $5 Billion: Topped off by the record results released Friday by Chevron, five of the world's largest oil companies produced a combined net income of $31.6 billion during the three months ended in September.

U.S. Drops Bid Over Royalties From Chevron: The Interior Department has dropped claims that the Chevron Corporation systematically underpaid the government for natural gas produced in the Gulf of Mexico, a decision that could allow energy companies to avoid paying hundreds of millions of dollars in royalties.


Official Transcript: President Bush admits bombs were in World Trade Towers --- For example, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed described the design of planned attacks of buildings inside the U.S. and how operatives were directed to carry them out. That is valuable information for those of us who have the responsibility to protect the American people. He told us the operatives had been instructed to ensure that the explosives went off at a high -- a point that was high enough to prevent people trapped above from escaping. "


The Worst Congress Ever --- How our national legislature has become a stable of thieves and perverts -- in five easy steps .


Teens Call Hyper-Sexualized Media Images "Normal" --- survey of 700 women and 300 men aged 13 to 18 ... the responses suggest that many of the young women are resigned to this being the way society is right now and that women's bodies are used to sell practically everything.


More Satanic Worshipping In Vatican Verified - "The Jesuits and the Vatican hierarchy are the master black magicians, controlling the many cult groups involved in the New World Order," said Zagami. "American people need to wake-up as the Vatican controls the U.S. government. The Bush family is a tool of the papacy. They are actually crooks and consider themselves pirates and that is the reason for the name Skull and Bones. These are sick criminals that need to be exposed and I am not afraid to do that since I was one of them at the top level in Monte Carlo.


Snow: Bush Admin Is “Actively Engaged In Trying To Fight Climate Change”...(Remember folks, Republicans hate everyone but themselves!)


British scientists grow human liver in a laboratory - British scientists have grown the world's first artificial liver from stem cells in a breakthrough that will one day provide entire organs for transplant.

Virus writers target online videos

Dr. Helen Caldicott: The Dangers of a Nuclear War: Authoritative analysis of the devastating impacts of a nuclear attack on Iran


FRENCH NEWS CHANNEL TO CHALLENGE 'ANGLO-SAXON' CNN, BBC: BOSS - A round-the-clock international news channel France is to launch in December will challenge the "Anglo-Saxon" views spread by market leaders BBC and CNN by relying on "French values", the network's chief said Tuesday.

AUGUSTO PINOCHET, the 90-year-old former dictator of Chile, was branded a “grave danger to society” as he was placed under house arrest in Santiago yesterday by the judge investigating his role in cases of torture and kidnapping during his time in power.

Note: North Korea Agrees to Six-Party Nuke Talks - diplomatic breakthrough three weeks after the communist regime conducted its first known atomic test, the Chinese government said.

Blair Risks Humiliating Defeat as Opponents Demand Iraq Inquiry --- Tony Blair faces the risk of a humiliating Commons defeat today over his refusal to allow a wide-ranging inquiry into the crisis in Iraq. The Tories, Liberal Democrats and as many as 40 Labour rebels are threatening to support a nationalist demand for a parliamentary examination of the war and its aftermath.


US force in Iraq swells to 150,000: Pentagon

Pentagon memo reveals launch of new PR war - The Pentagon is buttressing its public relations staff and starting an operation akin to a political campaign war room as Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld faces intensifying criticism over the Iraq war. In a memo obtained by the Associated Press, Dorrance Smith, assistant secretary of defense for public affairs, said new teams of people will "develop messages" for the 24-hour news cycle and "correct the record."

How the Pentagon censors Hollywood

Air Force said to seek $50 bln emergency funds Air -- amount equal to nearly half its annual budget


Limbaugh Outfoxed - Radio, television and the Internet greased Limbaugh's descent into fantasy. Years ago, a profile described him "holed up in his New York apartment with Chinese takeout and a stack of rented movies." In another profile, he "complained that he has virtually no social life." Click the video links on his Web site, and you can peer into his world. He sits in a soundproof studio. He never has to go outside.

The Daily Show In Ohio: We Tried To Get Ohio Politicians But They Are Preparing To “Leave office ...Or Go To Prison”...


Fluoride Was Never FDA Approved For Ingestion - Sodium fluoride was already sold pre-1938 but not as a decay preventive. As strange as it sounds, it commonly sold as a rat poison.

FIGHT FOR YOUR HEALTH by B. Richards (important read!)
WHAT'S IN THE FIGHT FOR YOUR HEALTH: Big Pharma targets protects drug companies rather than public health, unbridled power of corporations, toxic chemicals dripped into municipal water supplies, food companies are still treating consumers like guinea pigs, global fluoride scam, statin drugs are extremely dangerous, truth about osteoporosis drugs, FDA's sinister plan to outlaw nutritional supplements = business for drug companie, end of scientific skepticism, etc.

More Dirty Drug Company Secrets - Newer, heavily hyped drugs are often no better than the generic older drugs they are intended to replace -- but they are more expensive, and sometimes more dangerous.

Why Are Kids Entering Puberty Before They Enter School? - The increased prevalence of chemicals called endocrine disruptors in drugs, cosmetics, and environmental toxins may be triggering early puberty in young children.


Chocolate's Horror Show --- Forced child labor went into the making of much of these chocolates. Illegal child labor is a major problem on the West African cocoa farms from which companies like Hershey, Nestle and M&M Mars buy their cocoa beans."


Best Video of Steve Irwin - This video beautifully captures one of the greatest examples of passion and enthusiasm this planet has seen for quite some time. You MUST see this video.


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