Sunday, December 10, 2006

December 10, 2006


Hey guys, the 109th is GONE!!!! Maybe we can see a change to some degree directed toward the people other than the top 1%. Sometimes, it was hard to believe any of the *other side* were even human. And you know what, if this new bunch can't cut it, we know what to do and that is vote them out for another try. Somewhere out there have to be folks who really do care about the majority of us. Combating big money will be hard but we can do it……………….Good Luck 110th.


"The enjoyment of power inevitably corrupts the judgment of reason, and perverts its liberty." -- Immanuel Kant - (1724-1804) German philosopher Source: Perpetual Peace, 1795

The fetters imposed on liberty at home have ever been forged out of the weapons provided for defense against real, pretended, or imaginary dangers from abroad: James Madison

Secret American talks with insurgents break down - SECRET talks in which senior American officials came face-to-face with some of their most bitter enemies in the Iraqi insurgency broke down after two months of meetings, rebel commanders have disclosed.

How Many More Will Die For Bush’s Ego? Are the American people, Congress, and the American Establishment going to let the death toll continue to mount day by day for the two more years it takes for Bush to become history?

Syria preparing its army for war with Israel

Iran Offers To Help U.S. Withdraw From Iraq: Iran's foreign minister says his country wants to help the U.S. get out of Iraq.


The doctrine of blind obedience and unqualified submission to any human power, whether civil or ecclesiastical, is the doctrine of despotism, and ought to have no place among Republicans and Christians.": Angelica Grimke - (1805-1879) Source: Anti-Slavery Examiner, September 1836

Impeachment rallies from coast to coast: Developing...

Going After the Con-man-der in Chief - Forget impeachment. A former prosecutor says George W. Bush should be indicted for defrauding the United States.

Why is President Bush's brother hanging out with an alleged Russian mobster?: If you look at this innocuous little tidbit from the Guardian UK, you'll see that Neil Bush, brother of President George W. Bush, is palling around in public with exiled Russian billionaire Boris Berezovsky at a sporting event in England

Blog: How I know Bush is in trouble - the more compelling contingent are the ones that are absolutely in a panic over our Iraq policy. If they can't convince the President to pay attention to them, they will have no choice but to take him out any way they can.


Rumsfeld's Last Stand -- Three overlooked details of Rumsfeld's final, semi-coherent memo to the president.

Ho Hum...John Bolton's gift: Making enemies out of allies. When Donald Rumsfeld quit, no one in Europe noticed. He had long been a dead man walking. But it was different with the news that John Bolton had resigned as U.S. ambassador to the United Nations. In the foreign ministries of Europe, champagne corks popped in preholiday glee. With his droopy spaghetti-Western mustache and boorish manner, Bolton had come to epitomize all that America's friends hate about American foreign policy so far this century. ((How true!!))


Paper: US Admits To Bugging Princess Diana's Calls The Night She Died...


Passport applicants will have to attend personal interviews -The changes are being introduced in preparation for ID cards, which will include biometric data such as fingerprints, eye or facial scans.


GAO: The status quo is unsustainable --- Walker was fairly scathing in his assessment of how things are going for the country fiscally. The GAO has produced videos with their assessment that you can download here. It's a lot of information to take in. When they start to toss out estimates in the TRILLIONS, my mind started to reel.


Israeli PM says Bush won't change stance on Syria, Iran or we'll blow the whistle on who REALLY did 911!


New Dem House intel chief 'confused' about Qaeda

Jefferson wins race, despite bribe probe. Louisiana Rep. wins runoff; Caught on video seeking bribe; Hid money in freezer.

What will the House Democratic Caucus do about Rep. Bill Jefferson? Saying that Jefferson is the subject of a federal criminal probe hardly seems to do the man justice. By all appearances, the only thing standing between Jefferson and a multi-count federal grand jury indictment for bribery and related unsavory activities was the power-drunk GOP majority in Congress, which, perhaps fearful of investigations into its own corrupt activities, tried to turn the FBI's raid of Jefferson's Capitol Hill office into a constitutional crisis.


Police may use CCTV for eavesdropping --- or more to the point, discourage people from speaking to each other about just how out of control the government has become.

Expensive Ignorance *** The Intercollegiate Studies Institute authorized the survey, which was conducted by the University of Connecticut's political-science department. In a random sampling, students from 50 colleges and universities were given a 60-question test with multiple-choice answers. The results were dismal.


Prisoner 2546 Gets Christianity, On Your Dime - Despite rulings that using taxpayer money for evangelism in prisons is unconstitutional, faith-based programs continue to do just that. And prisoners seeking a better existence sometimes have to play along. New York Times

Nun Accused Of Sexually Assaulting Children

Religion for a Captive Audience, Paid For by Taxes

For your entertainment:


US casts sole ‘no’ vote against proposed treaty restricting arms trade - the only country in the United Nations to vote against letting work begin on a new treaty to bolster arms embargoes and prevent human rights abuses by setting uniform worldwide standards for arms deals.


Note: 26 killed in Iraq attacks, including suicide bomb at shrine: Photos confirm US raid child deaths : U.S., Iraqi troops seal off Haditha - residents: 'You must leave in 24 hours or your heads will be cut, your houses burnt': Clash kills 5 "Taliban militants" in occupied Afghanistan : "Taliban" gunmen kill 5 family members in attack on teachers in occupied Afghanistan: These are just a few of the commentary re Iraq war coming to us every day.


Newspapers That Once Called Upon Clinton To Resign Are Silent On Bush ((Don't you wonder why???)))

Embattled dynasty comes out fighting after predators attack New York Times --- The point is that the influence of all newspapers, the New York Times included, is clearly on the wane. Too many times have the traditional corporate media aided the government in their lies against the people, and in the days of the internet, too many Americans know it.


37 million poor hidden in the land of plenty: More than one in 10 citizens live below the poverty line, and the gap between the haves and have-nots is widening


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