Monday, December 25, 2006

December 25, 2006


George W. Bush: a sadistic, torture-loving sociopath - Who needs to wonder about the biggest idiot we have ever had in the Oval Office- all of his **decisions** have meant death to far too many of our troops. Maybe we need to make it a law that any president sending troops into harms way must drink one oz of that members blood upon said members death. 'Sounds gross, well not a bit more gross than this senseless killing he is in to.

"The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don't have any": Alice Walker

“The enormous gap between what US leaders do in the world and what Americans think their leaders are doing is one of the great propaganda accomplishments of the dominant political mythology.” : Michael Parenti political scientist, author

Behind the Scenes, Rove Influence Hasn't Waned - He's not doing much in public, but behind the scenes, White House political guru Karl Rove is as aggressive as ever in making policy arguments within the administration–and his influence is still pervasive, White House insiders tell U.S. News.

WILL STINKY CUT THE BIG ONE? It's almost painful to watch the disintegration of George W. Bush and what's left of his murderous administration. Those who haven't fled are racing blindly through the halls of power, lurching into one another in a desperate attempt to distance themselves from Bush and to escape reaping what they have sown.


"Politics, as a practice, whatever its professions, has always been the systematic organization of hatreds." -- Henry Brooks Adams (1838-1918) Pulitzer prize-winning historian (1919), ((great-grandson of John Adams, grandson of John Quincy Adams, and son of US Secretary of State, Charles Adams - Source: The Education of Henry Adams, ch. 1 (1907) ))

Wolfowitz Owes Us an Explanation - a man who helped conceive, plan and execute the Iraq war, has managed to escape scrutiny for steering his country into one of the greatest strategic catastrophes of his generation."

Records detail missing TSA badges, uniforms - More than 3,700 identification badges and uniform items have been reported lost or stolen from Transportation Security Administration employees since 2003, according to documents obtained by a San Antonio television station. ((Feel Safer?))

An Executive Branch Assault on the Constitution - The Bush Administration's Department of Defense is examining whether it has the power to break a strike at tire plants that supply the military. The Constitution affords the executive branch no such authority.


Once Again, "Loophole" Allows Government To Violate Propaganda Laws - But in two recent examples, the government has found "loopholes" in the law, allowing it to allow propaganda to inadvertently reach U.S. audiences.

Fraud In Katrina Recovery Could Reach $2 Billion...


Maytag workers say goodbyes - The final day on the job for 200 Maytag factory workers ended with punch and cookies, tears and hugs - and goodbyes.


The Bush Administration's 9/11 Story is a Conspiracy Theory - The story that the Bush Administration wants the world to believe about 9/11, namely that it was planned and orchestrated entirely by Osama bin Laden from the Bat Cave, is the most ridiculous conspiracy theory on the Internet.

Alarming 9/11 claim is baseless, panel says - rejecting one of the most disturbing claims about the Sept. 11 terrorist strikes, the Senate Intelligence Committee has concluded as untrue a congressman's contention that a team of military analysts identified Mohamed Atta or other hijackers before the attacks, according to a summary of the panel's investigation obtained by The Times.

"We cannot afford to differ on the question of honesty if we expect our republic permanently to endure. Honesty is not so much a credit as an absolute prerequisite to efficient service to the public. Unless a man is honest, we have no right to keep him in public life; it matters not how brilliant his capacity.": Theodore Roosevelt - (1858-1919) 26th US President

Pelosi says no to C-SPAN request on floor proceedings --- Speaker-to-be Nancy Pelosi cited the need to preserve the ''dignity and decorum'' of the House as she rejected a request Friday that C-SPAN operate its own cameras in covering the chamber ((What are you afraid Americans might learn about the proceedings that go on there?))


State cuts social services contract - Under the restructured contract, the Bermuda-based company will be largely relegated to data entry, leaving judgments about whether Texans qualify for food stamps, Medicaid and other welfare programs to state workers.

Live truth instead of professing it: Elbert Hubbard

10 myths -- and 10 truths -- about atheism

"Get real. Like Jesus Would Ever Own a Gun & Vote Republican." Rectangular Fridge Magnet. Jesus's Christmas of Peace Has Been Hijacked by Psychologically Impaired Cowards Trying to Belatedly Prove Their Manhood by Sending Men and Women to Die for Their Sociopathology.


Bald Eagle To Be Removed From Endangered Species List In February...


Larger military a costly proposal - Increase in standing force could lower standards, add expenses in billions

Many choose family over military service More reservists, Guard troops are deciding against any re-enlistment

"Search for the truth is the noblest occupation of man; its publication is a duty." : Anne Louise Germaine de Stael - (1766-1817) French author

John Kerry The Case for Flip-Flopping


Water bottles leak chemical - A study of bottled water has found concentrations of potentially harmful antimony increase the longer water is stored in a certain plastic. - Antimony is a white metallic element that in small doses can cause nausea, dizziness and depression. In large doses, it can be fatal.

Fighting Type 2 Diabetes an anti-inflammatory drug that's been around since the 1800s -- lowers triglyceride levels, reduces heart disease risk, and improves blood sugar levels in type 2 diabetics. Dr. Steven Shoelson, of Joslin Diabetes Center, says it's a medication that treats the basic problem of type 2 diabetes.

Blood Test Predicts Heart Failure *** For those if you living with heart failure, we're highlighting an easy blood test that checks levels of the protein proBNP to help your doctor adjust drug doses and help guide your therapy.

Safer Scans for Pregnant Women - And if you or someone you know is a pregnant woman experiencing abdominal pain, check out "Safer Scans for Pregnant Women," to see which scan at the hospital could increase the chance of developing cancer ... and which scan doctors think is safest.

Finding the Best Chemohow the Lung Metagene Predictor helps doctors determine which lung cancer patients will need chemotherapy to survive and which chemo will work best. Duke oncologist Dr. Anil Potti says, "I'm not just a doctor who treats lung cancer.

Fish Oil Supplements During Pregnancy -

Cutting Fat Cuts Breast Cancer Recurrence

Dieting can Lead to Bone Loss

A Benefit of Bad Cholesterol?

Stem Cells Fight Cancer That has Spread

Mistletoe: Not an Anti-Cancer Drug


"Godfather of Soul" Dies on Christmas Morning


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