Sunday, January 21, 2007

January 21, 2007


I have an idea. Once we get ourselves out of this god awful mess that Bush has slammed us into and we get that bill paid off, we should give every person in these United States a billion dollars (that is about 350 million folks making $1 Billion dollars each). That would be $350 Billion dollar total, - is that not correct? If we can literally throw away $450 Billion on Iraq we can certainly *throw away* $350 Billion on the individuals of this country. If we are willing to go into debt for this Iraq mess, we should be more than willing to finance a debt for this country's individuals. If we did that, just watch this country take off in a way never before seen!!!

Polling in New Hampshire shows Obama holds slight edge over Clinton and Edwards in tight Dem battle

Iowa Dems favor Edwards, GOP Favors Giuliani, McCain

The Pentagon has hidden at least $1.4 billion in other agencies' accounts instead of returning unspent money to the U.S. Treasury, the Defense Department's internal watchdog told Congress Wednesday.

On January 12, 2007 Google has stopped indexing as a news source.

If you saw Bush and the Neocons lying their way into invading your country the way Iran has, you would be testing your missiles too!

Motorcycle and street gang members have joined the U.S. military and served in Iraq, a new FBI report says

Clinton More Worried About Winning The Democratic Nomination Than Winning General Election

Bush: “I’m The Decider”… ((Sorry fella, the Congress is the *Decider* now.))

NM Gov. Announces - “Civility And Common Decency In Government Has Perished"

Brownback: Goal To Get Supreme Court “That Would Be Willing To Overturn Roe V. Wade"

World's oldest woman dies at 115 - Montreal - she just stopped breathing - great way to go!!

Will Obama's covered up Muslim past take him out?

Former GOP Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee depleted the governor’s office emergency fund in the final weeks of his administration in part to pay for the destruction of computer hard drives in his office. Now, why did a Republican have to destroy hard drives with records of his administration as governor. Doesn't that information belong to the citizens of Arkansas? Guess not, if you are a Soviet-Style Republican.

Even Henry Kissinger Says We're In Iraq For The Oil

Friend: Cheney Says Washington Is 'All BS,' Full Of 'Suffering Fools'; We Knew He Was There For A Reason

A year and a half after New Orleans became an international symbol of governmental neglect and racism, the city remains in crisis.


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