Tuesday, January 09, 2007

January 9, 2007


"... the general surgeons are doing their work and there is the body of this Navy SEAL, which is a physical specimen to behold," he told IPS. "And his abdomen is open, they're exploring both intestines. He's missing both legs below the knee, one arm is blown off, he's got incisions on his thighs to relieve the pressure on the parts of the legs that are hopefully gonna survive and there's genital injuries, and you just want to cry." No wonder George Bush wants Americans "to go shopping"; he is desperately attempting to divert attention from the realities of the Iraqi war! If the American people knew what is really going on in this insane war, the only "SURGE" would be every American marching to Washington to tell George Bush personally, NO MORE WAR! BARBARA'S DAILY BUZZFLASH MINUTE


"Our armies do not come into your cities and lands as conquerors or enemies, but as liberators. Your wealth has been stripped of you by unjust men... The people of Baghdad shall flourish under institutions which are in consonance with their sacred laws."
(General F.S. Maude, commander of British forces in Iraq, 1917)


"I trust God speaks through me. Without that, I couldn't do my job."to a group of Amish he met with privately, July 9, 2004


Whenever I feel blue, I start breathing again.


Claiming the Prize: Bush Escalation of War Aimed at Securing Iraqi Oil. "Put simply, the Bush Family and their allies and cronies represent the confluence of three long-established power factions in the American elite: oil, arms and investments." Iraq represents all three.


Where are our warheads? A new review published in the November/December issue of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists shows that the United States stores its nearly 10,000 nuclear warheads at 18 locations in 12 states and six European countries

Kennedy - Escalation Is Not the Answer - bill will say that no additional troops can be sent and no additional dollars can be spent on such an escalation, unless and until Congress approves the President's plan.

Panetta, S.Hadley - say Bush "Surge" won't work - these officials recommended at the time that more US advisers be embedded in Iraqi units


It would be HILARIOUS if it wasn't so PATHETIC, the guy who has bungled and botched everything he's touched since arriving in Washington on the backs of a (remembering the latest scandalous scoop on Rehnquist) questionable decision by the Supreme Court of the United States of America! Bush has the audacity to give the Congress advice, for God's sake! The guy who vacations more than he works, the master of dawdle, the guy who lets death and destruction prevail while pondering "strategeries," the guy who lies and ignores the Constitution, has the utter gall to tell the Congress, "Let them say of these next two years: We used our time well." The very best use of their time would be to Impeach George Bush and then prosecute him for committing crimes against humanity! Barbara's Daily BuzzFlash

Reagan Aide Compares Bush to Hitler


The Fed’s role in the Housing Crash of ‘07 - The American people appear to be oblivious to the economic hurricane which is expected to touchdown in late 2007. That’s when $1 trillion in ARMs (Adjustable Rate Mortgages) will “reset” triggering a massive increase in foreclosures and plunging the country into a deep recession.

CIA Fiasco (Le Monde) - "The resignation of John Negroponte, national intelligence director, is the latest phase in the interminable crisis of American intelligence services."


Chairman of Barred Election Testing Lab Dumped Stock Two Weeks Ago - used kinky tax tricks

Newly released internal CIA documents assert that former president George Herbert Walker Bush's oil company emerged from a 1950s collaboration with a covert CIA officer


-Congress to Open Second Stem Cell Showdown

-Cuba Reaches 50% Self-sufficiency in Oil use

-Blair refuses to match US troop ‘surge' in Iraq.

-Democrats Can Cut Off Funds, But Can't Stop Bush from Sending More GIs off to Die

-Study Says Tax Cuts Offer Most for Very Rich (how is this news?)

-Insurers Increase Profits to Record Levels by Overpricing Policies and Shifting Costs to Consumers and Taxpayers

-Kraft is Sued for Falsely Calling Capri Sun Drink "All Natural"

-CIA kidnap victim offered $2 million In hush money

-New U.S. Iraq commander says may need three years

-Bush's shake-up say intelligence sources are the personnel changes to fit with a scenario for attacking Iran's nuclear facilities and regime change in Syria."

-a plentiful source of stem cells found in amniotic fluid that cushions babies in the womb

-House seeks Lower Drug Costs for Medicare Patients, orders to be passed next week

-For Female Soldiers, Sexual Assault Remains a Danger

-OneLook.com: A reference site that indexes more than 7.5 million words in 931
dictionaries. It also works backwards

-TempInbox.com/English: An e-mail service that provides free, temporary, "disposable" e-mail accounts with no registration.

-Number-Logic.com: All kinds of puzzles to challenge your mind. Work independently or challenge another and you choose the difficulty

-The U.S. government has paid $1.5 billion in benefits to sick nuclear-weapons workers since 2001.

-Brain chemicals in your tears are natural pain relievers.

-The very first Americans may have come to the continent following an ocean highway made of dense kelp.

-J.D. Crouch, an academic turned deputy national security adviser crafted Bush "Surge"

-Pelosi: Dems will not cut off Iraq funding

-White House Threatens to Ignore Congress ((so what is new?)

-Republicans break ranks to help pass House 9/11 bill

-Did GOP take day off for football? Yes.


CIA Blocking Investigation Of Fmr. Director Linked To Incarcerated Ex. Rep Cunningham...

FBI Investigation of AIPAC Reportedly Has Been “Expanded” - Evidence linking these Israelis to 9/11 is classified.


Experts Suggest the CIA, Not Kim Jong-il, is Counterfeiting Dollars: “Sources allege that the CIA prints the falsified 'Supernotes' at a secret facility near Washington to fund covert operations without Congressional oversight.”

Life at America's Bottom Wage


Major loophole in Democrats' ethics bill will benefit controversial lobbying groups

Conservatives Decry Terror Laws' Impact on Refugees - Conservatives who supported President Bush's re-election have joined liberal groups in expressing outrage over his administration's broad use of anti-terrorism laws to reject asylum for thousands of people seeking refuge from religious, ethnic and political persecution.


Raids, Reforms, and the Labor Movement - A program can be developed that represents the interests of established US workers, undocumented immigrants, and Latin Americans. Their interests can be meshed with those of US employers on this issue

Schwarzenegger proposed extending health care coverage to all of California's 36 million residents as part of a sweeping package of changes to the state's huge, troubled health-care system.


A Veteran New York Times Reporter Pulls the Fire Alarm on the Christian Fascist Movement That's the Rocket Booster for the GOP: -American Fascists: The Christian Right and the War On America


“Shift Happens:” Seismologists Launch Earthquake-Preparedness Campaign...

Fallout Calculator: This java-based interactive calculator shows the distribution of fallout, by wind, from nuclear bomb blasts of various yields. In using the calculator, you may select from an assortment of virtual satellite maps of major world cities.

What Al Gore Hasn't Told You About Global Warming - When has someone ever delivered such an ominous message to such tumultuous applause?"


"Precocious Puberty" Is on the Rise ((if this is happening to our girls, what about our boys)) American girls are reaching puberty up to a year earlier than in previous generations, with some children showing signs of sexual development as young as age 3. In extreme cases, girls are budding breasts before they've even learned to read. Researchers call this phenomenon "precocious puberty," which some say is on the rise.


Guard and Reserve May Bear the Brunt of Surge


Lifesaving Stroke Device - Dr. Jonathan Friedberg tells us about how a drug initially developed in the 70s in then-Communist Germany is now under development in the United States for use in non-Hodgkin's lymphoma patients

New Stroke Therapy - Researchers at Rush University Medical Center and from 29 other sites in the United States want to enroll 125 patients to further test the Penumbra System, a new stroke therapy that can be used up to eight hours after a stroke.

Dental Allergies - In another story this week, studies show up to 16 percent of women and 6 percent of men are allergic to metal that's found in dental devices such as crowns and dentures.

Hand Health - If you do any of the following things -- carry heavy bags or briefcase, sleep with your elbow bent, extensively use a cell phone, or frequently text-message with your BlackBerry or cell phone, you might be in danger of having tennis elbow -- without ever picking up a tennis racquet!

Vitamin E Intake and Bigger Babies

Better Accuracy Reading Mammograms

Alzheimer's Gene Welcomes Cold Sore Virus

Seniors Left Sleepless

Body Composition Key to Reducing Cancer Risks

Stents may Hinder a Healing Heart


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