Saturday, September 02, 2006

September 2, 2006

How do we get the Katrina mess cleaned up?
Answer: Call in Hezbollah.

Friends of Hillary hint she may pull out of presidential race
“The early line is that Hillary would be unstoppable in a Democratic primary but unelectable in a general election.” …The solution, insiders say, is for Clinton to take over as Senate minority leader in 2009 from the lacklustre Harry Reid, senator for Nevada. One well-respected blog, The Washington Note, recently claimed that Reid privately told Clinton the job was hers if she gave up her presidential ambitions.,,2089-2340352,00.html

Universal health care bill sent to governor
Veto is likely for plan that would end private insurers; proposals to expand prison system stall. (And we thought that California had a pretty good thing going- too bad California!)

The Secret Service at Booker Elementary: The Dog That Did Not Bark
As the government thrashes around trying to prop up the 9-11 mythology, one of the questions they cannot answer and will not even attempt to answer is this one: How did the United States Secret Service know that they did not need to drag Bush from that room and toss him into the back of his armored limousine? How did the United States Secret Service KNOW FOR A FACT that President Bush was not a target that day?
(Because they knew in advance what the targets would be.)

Flashback: Revealed: the men with stolen identities
Their names were flashed around the world as suicide hijackers who carried out the attacks on America. But yesterday four innocent men told how their identities had been stolen by Osama bin Laden's teams to cover their tracks......"To cover their tracks????" Why do men who plan to kill themselves need to cover their tracks? …Anything connected with 9-11 that involves "covering their tracks" is proof that there is a frame-up taking place.

Opposition to Iraq War at All-Time High
A series of polls taken over the last few weeks of August show that support for the war in Iraq among Americans is at an all-time low. Almost two-thirds of Americans in each of three major polls say that they oppose the war, the highest totals since pollsters starting asking Americans the question three years ago.

Bush Hate Rising
"Hey, even my most right-wing Republican sex therapy clients, the ones with mahogany framed photos of themselves posed with the Gipper on their mantles, say they hate G.W. Bush. Hate him!"

Republicans want smaller government for the same reason crooks want
fewer cops: it's easier to get away with murder. -- James Carville

Larry C. Johnson: Smearing the Wilsons and Sliming America
"How low can they go? I refer of course to the latest vitriol directed at Valerie and Joe Wilson by the likes of Christopher Hitchens and Fred Hiatt of the Washington Post, who claim that Joe Wilson, not Bush administration officials, is responsible for destroying his wife's cover and exposing her as a CIA operative. Hitchens's battle with the bottle may account for his addled thinking, but what is Hiatt's excuse?" asks Larry C. Johnson.

Rumsfeld Reaches Out to Democrats
In Letter, Secretary Says Recent Speech Was Misconstrued
Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld reached out to Democrats yesterday, opening the door for them to retract their stinging indictment of him as Pentagon chief.

Rumsfeld More Stubborn than Bush
"We've knocked Baghdad back from complete and total madness to borderline chaos. Geez, it's almost like more soldiers works better. And it only took three years to figure this out. "

Bomb hits oil pipeline south of Baghdad
Noooo, not Dick Cheney's precious oil: Pipeline bombed south of Baghdad 9/3.

Cheney's Forgotten 'Fundamental Facts'
Cheney overlooks a fundamental fact: There are more terrorists today, because the United States invaded Iraq than there were on September 10, 2001.

Judge Tosses Ohio Voter Sign-Up Rules
CLEVELAND (AP) -- A federal judge threw out new state rules governing voter registration drives on Friday, saying they appear to violate the First Amendment and hurt efforts to sign up new voters.

Candidate Acknowledges Son Conceived Out of Wedlock
A Republican gubernatorial candidate who formerly led a group that promotes abstinence has acknowledged that he and his wife conceived their oldest son shortly before the coupled married 20 years ago.
(Can you say hypocrisy? I have heard an awful lot of this sort of crap from the ones who want to get in my bedroom.)

What is the Best Time to Have Surgery?
Just as for prescription drugs, time plays a critical hand in governing the safety of surgery, based on an analysis of some 90,000 operations performed at the Duke University Medical Center starting in 2000.

This has to be a first –( it is about time!!!!) Goodluck Beyer.
Excerpt:"Beyer was raised mostly in Queens, N.Y., the first of two children born to a Conservative Jewish family. She said she was born intersex, her gender identity confused by conflicting genitalia, a condition she ascribes to the drug DES, which was prescribed to her mother during pregnancy. Puberty plunged her body into hormonal civil war."

Cervical cancer 'speeded up by semen'
"Sexually active women who are at risk of cervical or uterine cancer should encourage their partners to wear a condom to prevent increased exposure to the prostaglandins that may make their condition worse."

Criticize Israel?
You're an Anti-Semite!: How can we have a real discussion about Mideast peace if speaking honestly about Israel is out of bounds?

Gingrich opposed to attacking Iran:
"I am opposed to a military strike on Iran because I don't think it accomplishes very much in the long run," The Washington Times reported.

AMA Admits no studies were done on Fluoride Side Effect
Please read this letter from Dr. Flanagan, Assistant Director of the American Medical Association certainly which makes it clear that the AMA refuses to say that fluoridation is harmless and that no studies were ever done on fluoride side effects. The alternative side of health care has been trying diligently for so long to let folks know that the fluoridation of water is a sham.

Don't worry, breathe happy: Living in anger reduces lung power as you age:

Omega-3s save more lives than defibrillators in a simulation:

Air fresheners damage lungs:

On the Job, Nursing Mothers Find a Two-Class System
When a new mother returns to Starbucks corporate headquarters in Seattle after maternity leave, she learns what is behind the doors mysteriously marked "Lactation Room." Whenever she likes, she can slip away from her desk and behind those doors ... depositing her breast milk in bottles to be toted home later. But if the mothers who staff the chain's counters want to do the same, they must barricade themselves in small restrooms intended for customers, counting the minutes left in their breaks.

Second life for trifecta bill?
Reid remains committed to a stand-alone vote on the minimum wage before the Senate adjourns at the end of September, spokesman Jon Steinberg said. Still, he is “skeptical that Senator Frist is going to allow that to happen,” Steinberg added, and there are few remaining opportunities to try attaching a minimum-wage increase as an amendment to pending bills before Congress’s September 29 adjournment.

House GOP issues desperate plea for cash
In August of a critical mid-term election year, most political fundraising letters can sound a little desperate. But even by those standards the latest e-mail pleas from the National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) have taken on an alarming, urgent tone. .... “Republican Congressional candidates are facing a desperate situation nationwide,” she wrote. “Our candidates in targeted districts are in very serious danger of losing on Election Day. And if we lose those swing districts, the Democrats will undoubtedly win the majority on November 7th.”
“…I have not personally seen a more grave and dire situation for Republicans,” she wrote.

Activists Want Ohio Election Chief Out
Activists filed a civil-rights lawsuit Thursday claiming Secretary of State Ken Blackwell deprived people of their voting rights during the 2004 presidential election, and are seeking to have him removed from overseeing the general election in November.

FBI Searches Offices of 6 Alaska Lawmakers in Oil Probe
Agents search offices in both Juneau and Anchorage belonging to Sen. John Cowdery (R-Anchorage), the Senate Rules chairman. The offices of Senate President Ben Stevens (R-Anchorage), Rep. Vic Kohring (R-Wasilla), Rep. Bruce Weyhrauch (R-Juneau), Sen. Donald Olson (D-Nome), and Rep. Pete Kott (R-Eagle River) were also searched. Agents left Stevens's Capitol office Thursday evening with 12 boxes of documents labeled "Evidence."

Democrats Seek No-Confidence Vote on Rumsfeld
Under assault from Republicans on issues of national security, Congressional Democrats are planning to push for a vote of no-confidence in Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld this month as part of a broad effort to stay on the offensive ahead of the November midterm elections.

Department of Education Shared Student Data With FBI
The Federal Education Department shared personal information on hundreds of student loan applicants with the Federal Bureau of Investigation across a five-year period that began after the September 11 terror attacks, the agencies said yesterday.

Another lie on Iraq:
WHEN President Bush declared last week that "nobody has eversuggested in this administration that Saddam Hussein ordered" the9/11 terrorist attacks, a large segment of the American public musthave been very surprised.

Iran says report shows U.S. charges are baseless:
The confidential report by the Vienna-based body, leaked to Reuters, said Iran had resumed enriching small amounts of uranium in recentdays. The agency said lack of Iranian cooperation had blocked it's probes.

FBI Arrests Head of Israeli Security at Atlanta Consulate

Labour will lose the next election if it isn't brave enough
to ditch Blair now :
The party conference is the prime minister's last chance to do theright thing and announce his timetable for departure.,,1861708,00.html


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