Saturday, October 14, 2006

October 14, 2006


NOTE: New Fox poll finds three out of four Americans want troops to come home now. Not in 2010.

Former Weapons Inspector, Experts Warn Against Military Action Toward Iran (Patience and caution are components of logical, long-term cohesive foreign policy, something at which this administration has so far proven completely inept.)

Cheney's Statements on Justification of War Must Be Challenged In a letter to Congress, signatories write: "Vice President Dick Cheney stated with little ambiguity that we would have invaded Iraq in 2003 even if we knew that Saddam did not have weapons of mass destruction.

Rumsfeld Allies Launch Smear Campaign Against NATO General Jones now finds himself the target of a smear campaign at the hands of Rumsfeld’s allies.Rumsfeld and his allies are determined to ruin the reputation of a general whose assessments have been proven correct. (attack the person who's actually correct in the most vicious, foul way you can manage)


Ripping the mask off of Bush's 'faith-based' initiative - perhaps the biggest scandal was the way in which the Faith-Based Office was used in the 2002 campaigns.

ATTACK ON DEFENSE REVISITED --- Bush is in trouble, more of it than ever.

White House, NSA staff said to be buyers from online diploma mill. "We're not going to disclose who bought these degrees until after the trial is under way." Is Bush padding his resume?

Government appeals wiretapping decision --- The Bush administration on Friday appealed a federal judge's ruling this summer that a controversial post-September 11, 2001, domestic spying program was illegal. The Justice Department, in documents filed with a federal court in Cincinnati, argued that President George W. Bush had acted within the law in authorizing the surveillance of domestic wiretaps of international telephone calls


DC Hilton, Ritz Carlton used for congressional child sex says federal agent - The operation was organized by convicted Republican lobbyist Jack Abramoff and recently ensnared California GOP Congressman Randy “Duke” Cunningham

More Republican Sexual Pedophilia, This Time in Chicago Suburb. "A 36-year-old Aurora man seeking election to the Kane County Board in November has been charged with sexually abusing two girls. Brent K. Schepp, named in a 26-count criminal indictment. Schepp is the Republican candidate for an open County Board seat based in Aurora."

Another Republican Revealed as Sex Pervert: GOP Fundraiser and Husband of "Dancing With the Stars" Contestant

Louisiana Dems ditch Rep. Jefferson --- 8-term member is being investigated for bribery; Dems endorse rival.

Justice Department Investigates Another GOP Rep…

Spy Jonathan Pollard caught on tape --- Surveillance video from 1985 shows American stealing secrets for Israel --- which Israel then gave to Russia, thereby negating the $5 trillion American nuclear deterrent we are all still making the payments on.


Cheney Still at Forefront of CIA Leak Case --- Patrick J. Fitzgerald, has to avoid the risk of graymail - the defense strategy of forcing the prosecution to drop the case because of classified information the defense would reveal at trial.

Class action suit over ID theft tossed out --- A federal judge in Arkansas has thrown out a class action lawsuit against Acxiom, which exposed massive amounts of Americans' personal information in a high-profile Internet security snafu three years ago. (all these companies can collect any and all data on you, but if they allow it to be stolen, the courts will protect them.)

Apig chief calls for suspension of spam judge --- A UK MP has called the actions by a US court against Spamhaus outrageous and will call on the Americans for an apology and the suspension of the judge in question.(This is rather odd. A spammer sued an anti-spam organization and the judge found for the SPAMMER!)

Government appeals wiretapping decision --- The Bush administration on Friday appealed a federal judge's ruling this summer that a controversial post-September 11, 2001, domestic spying program was illegal. The Justice Department, in documents filed with a federal court in Cincinnati, argued that President George W. Bush had acted within the law in authorizing the surveillance of domestic wiretaps of international telephone calls


DNC Voting Rights Institute Chair Donna Brazile Calls on Election Assistance Commission to Release Study

Mark Warner's Grace --- In the cesspool that is DC, no one can believe that someone would walk away from a race because of his family. They are so obsessed with power, they just can't see it happening.

Republican Mike DeWine weasels on his attendance record - Video:

Ad Targets GOP On Stem Cells: “How Come He Thinks He Gets To Decide Who Lives And Dies?”...

If the GOP Doesn't Hack the Voting Machines, Dems Poised to Pick Up DeLay's Seat.

Evidence Of George Allen Court Appearance Surfaces...

Santorum: “What Do You Expect From Me?”..."I'm a passionate guy. I'm tough, I'm a fighter. But you know what? I'm an Italian kid from a steel town. What do you expect from me? I'm a guy who had to grow up having to scratch and claw," (Well sweetie, what do you think is too much?)

Charlie Cook's Overview --- Category 5 Hurricane Heads for House GOP - a 30-seat gain today for Democrats is more likely to occur than a 15-seat gain

Same Sex Marriage Bans “Are Struggling In The Polls”....

GOP Pulling Funds From “Scandal-Ridden” Ohio...

National GOP Fails To Deliver Funds To DeLay's Replacement...

Sara Evans' Porn-Addicted Husband Tried To Run For Congress As Republican...See Campaign Website...

WaPo: “Democrats Seem To Be Fielding An Uncommonly High Number Of Uncommonly Good-Looking Candidates”...


Working Families Under Attack --- Workers' rights have been severely crippled. On Tuesday, President Bush's National Labor Relations Board issued a decision that will deny the right to organize to as many as 8 million workers in 200 occupations.

Tax-exempt group a 'front for oil giants'

What Would The Pharaoh Pay? Colorado group's ad claims God and Moses are against the minimum wage hike. No word on whether they also support tax breaks for pyramid owners. (If I were God, I would sure pop some pimples!)

Common Cause: Why Are Cable Television Prices So High?


How the FBI protected Al Qaeda’s 9/11 Hijacking Trainer --- (FBI Director Robert Mueller later admitted in public statements that there was no evidence at all actually linking the named suspects with 9-11.)

Rumsfeld, Ashcroft Warned of al-Qaeda Attack Before 9/11---Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld and former attorney general John Ashcroft received the same CIA briefing about an imminent al-Qaeda strike on an American target that was given to the White House two months before the attacks of
September 11, 2001.

O'Reilly Takes on 9/11 Conspiracy Theorist! (Bill, look at the poll numbers. You lost this one.)

Americans Question Bush on 9/11 Intelligence --- Many adults in the United States believe the current federal government has not been completely forthcoming on the issue of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, according to a poll by the New York Times and CBS News. 53 per cent of respondents think the Bush administration is hiding something.


Ripping the mask off of Bush's 'faith-based' initiative - perhaps the biggest scandal was the way in which the Faith-Based Office was used in the 2002 campaigns.


"The Case Against Depleted Uranium --- Depleted uranium remains a nagging problem for the US Army, which extensively used such munitions during fighting in Gulf War I, Yugoslavia, Afghanistan and Iraq. DU is a chemically toxic, radioactive element with a half-life of 4.5 billion years that damages the kidneys and lungs, causes genetic mutations and cancer, and is associated with a number of medical problems.

Army "Big Brother" Unit Targets Bloggers --- The team, working "under the direction of the Army Web Risk Assessment Cell" hunts for "documents, pictures and other items that may compromise security" -- and then orders the parties to take the offensive content offline. (just another attempt to control information and keep the American public in the dark.)

Govt. reports 788 cases of lost data - Federal workers at 19 agencies have lost personal information affecting thousands of employees and the public, raising fresh concerns about the government's ability to protect sensitive information.

Dozens of cities see jump in murders, robberies - The report is the latest turn in a debate over whether the U.S. government has neglected local law enforcement needs by directing tens of millions of dollars to anti-terrorism initiatives.


Group warns mountains will lose ice caps - Africa's two highest mountains — Mount Kilimanjaro and Mount Kenya — will lose their ice cover within 25 to 50 years if deforestation and industrial pollution are not stopped, environmentalists warned Thursday.


U.N. Adopts Resolution Against N. Korea --- The resolution demands North Korea eliminate all its nuclear weapons but expressly rules out military action against the country - a demand by the Russians and Chinese.

Blair forced to claim Dannatt's criticisms are 'absolutely right' --- Britain's top soldier was vindicated as Tony Blair was forced to claim he agreed with every word of his devastating assessment of British policy in Iraq. (I'll bet THAT hurt like hell!

British soldiers respond to Army chief: 'At last, someone told the truth' - "Right, when B'liar is put up against the wall, can I shoot him??????"

Blair devastated as Army chief savages his approach to Iraq
Within hours of his comments being made public, the Army's unofficial website was packed with hundreds of blogs from troops voicing their support. The messages included: "Can Tony Blair recover from this and justify British presence in Iraq, without using the words 'I was wrong ...?'" Another said: "Dannatt gets my vote! Anyone care to disagree with him? We were lied to when it all started and we are still lied to today!"

A Few Things Every American Should Know About The French --- The French do not hate Americans -- like many people in the world today, including many Americans, they dislike and distrust American foreign policy and the Bush administration.

Voters poised to push Ecuador into anti-Bush club - The result could turn the small South American country into the latest member of the anti-imperialist, anti-Bush club in America's backyard.

Reuters Israel war crime charge roils Canada politics - The leading candidate to head the Liberal Party was defiant on Friday after opening a political can of worms with the charge that Israel committed war crimes during its Lebanon campaign this summer.


"The Case Against Depleted Uranium --- Depleted uranium remains a nagging problem for the US Army, which extensively used such munitions during fighting in Gulf War I, Yugoslavia, Afghanistan and Iraq. DU is a chemically toxic, radioactive element with a half-life of 4.5 billion years that damages the kidneys and lungs, causes genetic mutations and cancer, and is associated with a number of medical problems.

Lower Standards Help Army Recruit Troubled Children About 17 percent of the first-time recruits, or about 13,600, were accepted under waivers for various medical, moral or criminal problems, including misdemeanor arrests or drunk driving, drug and alcohol problems, including those who may have failed a drug test or acknowledged they had used drugs.


NBC's David Gregory Accidentally Reveals His George Bush Impression....

Fox Fires Broadcaster Over “Racially Insensitive” Comment...

NPR’s News Chief Resigns After 9 Months - He becomes the first major casualty of the two-week-old tenure of Ken Stern, NPR’s new chief executive, who replaced Kevin Klose, the chief executive who had hired Mr. Marimow from the Baltimore Sun. Mr. Klose remains at NPR as president. In promoting Mr. Marimow to vice president of news in February, Mr. Klose had overruled an internal search committee that included Mr. Stern and Mr. Kernis and had not recommended Mr. Marimow.


An Extremely Rare Associated Press Story That Actually Provides Context and Perspective on Bush Spin, Instead of Just Transcribing It: "Bush keeps revising war justification."

U.S. wasted chance to improve the world: Gorbachev - In comments that were among the harshest he has made about the United States, Gorbachev compared U.S. foreign policy to one of the deadliest diseases on the planet -- AIDS. - "Today our American friends are suffering from an illness worse than AIDS. And I would say this is the victor's complex," Gorbachev was quoted as saying in an interview with the Netzzeitung.


Telemedicine growing as more patients use videoconferencing to see psychiatrists:

New longevity research center launched to study supercentenarians:

Prescription drugs found in soil sludge used for lawns and gardens:

Mediterranean diet found to reduce Alzheimer's risk:

Green tea extract may help prevent type-2 diabetes through improved glucose tolerance:

Breast cancer cases soar in farm workers - Women who have worked on farms are almost three times more likely to develop breast cancer than those who have never worked in agriculture, a new study of cancer patients in the Windsor area suggests.


Slave Children; Battered Children... A UN report documents the terrible violence against children that globally obtains today. "Every country in the world with the exception of two (Somalia and ... the United States) has ratified the International Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989)."


Feds Question Teenage Girl About “Kill Bush” MySpace Post...


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