Wednesday, November 08, 2006

November 8, 2006


Why didn't the Republicans appoint Lieberman as head of Defense? The governor of Maine is a Republican and would appoint a republican in Lieberman's place which would have given the Republicans control of the Senate.


Super bug Brought Back by Iraq War Casualties - Injured soldiers returning from Iraq have brought back a super bug that has been linked with outbreaks

I know you know but I have to shout !Hallelujah!! Rummy is not pathetically funny no mo', no mo'. He is gone babe, gone!. How is that for sad resignation! Common ground - Rumsfeld had to go.

Bush says Rumsfeld Stepping Down, Recommends Robert Gates, former head of the CIA, for Sec. of Defense. "Gates was close to many figures who played significant roles in the Iran/contra affair and was in a position to have known of their activities." It's the same old song, just a different name. Didn't Bush praise Rumsfeld and promise to keep him on just a week ago?

Gates Has History of Manipulating Intelligence -- Robert Gates, the former director of the CIA during the presidency of George H.W. Bush, and who was tapped Tuesday by the president to replace Donald Rumsfeld as Secretary of Defense, is part of Texas's good ol' boy network. He may be best known for playing a role in arming Iraq's former dictator Saddam Hussein with American made weapons in the country's war against Iran in the 1980s.

Tom Harkin (archives) on Robert Gates: "I also have doubts and questions about Mr. Gates' role in the secret intelligence sharing operation with Iraq"


"The Case for Impeachment"

Rumsfeld departure shakes Bush administration - The resignation of the US Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld shows how much the Bush administration is in disarray about Iraq.

Meet The New Boss, Same As The Old Boss -- The Democrats have swept the House and the Senate may well follow but did 7/11 really herald the defeat of the Neo-Con agenda or will establishment sycophants like Nancy Pelosi hijack and misdirect legitimate discontent and shield Bush from impeachment while blocking efforts to repeal legislation he passed?

Cheney Spends Election Day Hunting...


Poised to become the first female speaker of the House, House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi Tuesday night celebrated her party's return to power in Congress after 12 years.

Lies and Leviathan --- Big government requires big lies – and not just on wars but across the board. The more powerful government becomes, the more abuses it commits and the more lies it must tell. Interventions beget debacles that require cover-ups and denials.The more the government screws up, the more evidence the government is obliged to bury or deny

Across U.S., voters' loud message: It's time for change -- Americans finally got to vote on the war. They want change. *** They got to vote on one-party rule. They rejected it. *** They got a chance to vote local. They voted national. *** No matter what name was on the ballot, to many voters it read "George W. Bush."

Political reaction to Democrats' gains --- Democratic victory gives the party control of key committees that could investigate Bush administration's most controversial decisions on foreign, military and energy policy. (We must install a revolving door on the capitol until Congress gets the point that America is going to be first in all ways.)

The Bush-Gringrich Revolution is Dead (1994-2006) - The public got a serious case of buyer's remorse after watching a faith-based administration run into a wall of reality called Iraq, Katrina, a split-level economy, and social security privatization.


Will Some Red State Republicans Be Wearing Prison Blue? -- Guess what? It looks like there will be some indictments on the phone-sabotage front. The FBI's already looking into it in Virginia.


Lawyers Fight for Habeas Rights

Roberts Court Faces First Abortion Cases - Wednesday, the US Supreme Court takes up two cases challenging the constitutionality of the federal Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act of 2003.

All Eyes on Kennedy in Court Debate on Abortion -- As the Supreme Court prepares for today's oral arguments on the federal "partial birth" abortion ban, both sides are focusing on the same question: "What will Kennedy do?"


Murtha: Dem Who Started It All Wins 60% Of Votes...

Aren't You Glad You Didn't Move To Canada?

NOTE: Women on the Hill - "That women control the majority of votes in this country is not new, nor is the fact that there has long been a gender gap, with women generally favoring Democrats. Neither George Allen nor James Webb are particular friends of women. No wonder this race was so very close.

ACORN Celebrates Minimum Wage Increase Victories - ACORN members in four states - Missouri, Arizona, Colorado, and Ohio - celebrated the overwhelming success of ballot initiative campaigns to raise the minimum wage. They also applauded the successful efforts of other coalitions which passed wage increases in Nevada and Montana.

Is it going to take 10+ days for Virginia to come thru - for these United States? Montana finally gave in for Tester giving the senate 50/50. These *hanging on to the last minute* state senate races surely don't speak well for those states. You would think there would be enough sober folks to see the need for serious change and come thru with a resounding *Get the hell out damn spot!"

Bush, Allen and the GOP Opposed a Florida Recount in 2000. Let's Not be Hypocrites Guys. Webb Won the Virginia Senate Seat Fair and Square. Message to George Allen: Get Out of Jim Webb's Senate Office. And Katherine Harris Isn't Around to Help You Steal the Seat.

South Dakotans Reject Tough Abortion Ban - would have banned virtually all abortions, even in cases of rape and incest,the political action committee, is offering a $250,000 reward for material evidence leading to a felony conviction for an organized effort of partisan voter suppression or electronic voting fraud.

Burns Campaign Punishes Newspaper For Writing About Poll - The campaign of GOP Senator Conrad Burns had a curious reaction to a local paper's decision to write an article about a poll showing Burns down: It lashed back at the newspaper, yanking its credentials to cover Burns' election night event. (How's that for democracy? That's Republican style democracy where freedom means the being free to dictate!)

Voting nightmare: Democrats seek extension - Democratic party leaders are planning to seek a two-hour extension for voting in Denver, due to massive computer problems which have created long lines, and kept many from casting their vote.

Polling places turn to paper ballots after glitches - Programming errors and inexperience dealing with electronic voting machines frustrated poll workers in hundreds of precincts early Tuesday, delaying voters in Indiana, Ohio and Florida and leaving some with little choice but to use paper ballots instead.

Former House member charged with assaulting man who defeated him - A witness said Rick Green, a Republican, shoved and then punched state Rep. Patrick Rose, D-Dripping Springs, as they stood outside a polling place Tuesday morning at Sunset Canyon Baptist Church east of Dripping Springs.

Voting in the absence of Choice - Too many Americans harbor the illusion that we live in a democracy simply because we have the right to vote. But let us be clear about something: voting matters only where real choices are allowed.

Machine Records Dem Vote For GOP - My wife then had to call the person over another time after it recorded her vote a Republican again. In her frustration she asked the person who was responsible for the design of this system. The polling person leaned in very close to my wife and whispered, "We're f----d."

Young voters turned out in higher numbers - Exit polls showed voters ages 18 to 29 cast 13% of all votes, up from 2002.

Voting Expert: Widespread Election Fraud Again - Vote fraud crusader and rights activist Bev Harris has told the nationally syndicated Alex Jones Show that she is in possession of voting software used by the big three voting systems companies and is now in a position to completely expose the true scale of electronic vote fraud, as a cascade of stories about voter intimidation, arrests and machine meltdowns arrived on election day

AP: Almost One-Third Of Evangelicals Voted For Dems...

Dems Sweep State Legislatures “Across The Board”...

Dem Becomes First Muslim Elected To Congress...

Stem Cells Win, Abortion Ban Defeated


Wall Street Reaches New High On Election Results...

Stock futures fall on election results

Pioneer Press proposes freeze in pension fund - The St. Paul Pioneer Press is proposing to freeze pension benefits for its workers in the Minnesota Newspaper Guild Typographical Union to help make up a projected $22 million pension-fund shortfall.


Pentagon 9/11 Video Being Held Back by FBI - Government says it needs "more time" before releasing a video that shows nothing?????????

10-Year Old Disciplined for Visiting 9/11 Website -- A fifth grader named 'Mark' reported to Alex Jones' Infowars TV show by phone that he had been sent home with a disciplinary report for visiting 9/11 Truth websites such as


Specter urges GOP to re-evaluate

A Bulk Rate on Printing Subpoenas? *** David Swanson writes: "Chairman John Conyers Jr., Chairman Henry Waxman. Those titles will prove to be the most important outcome of yesterday's elections, even if the Dems get the Senate too. ***It's investigation and impeachment time."***


Dobson Quits Rev. Haggard's “Sexual Immorality” Counseling Team...


Could "Wild Laws" Save Life on Earth? -- a body of legal opinion is proposing what are being called "wild laws," which would speak for birds and animals, and even rivers and nature.


World sees Dems' win as a Bush rejection -- Democratic gains in Congress were seen around the world Wednesday as a rejection of the U.S. war in Iraq that led some observers to expect a reassessment of the American course there.

Al-Qaeda Planning to Hit All Major Cities of India: US - The US embassy has warned India of terror attacks by foreign terrorists - possibly the al-Qaeda. They say terrorists could be planning strikes in major Indian cities in the coming days.


Hotel yanks CNN; says network is pro-terrorist -
The Stoney Creek Inn, 1100 Imperial Ave., in Rothschild has dropped the 24-hour news channels CNN and CNN Headline News from its basic cable offerings.

Olbermann only MSNBC prime-time anchor absent from special election coverage - A Media Matters for America review of MSNBC's daytime Battleground America coverage found that while prime-time anchors Chris Matthews, Joe Scarborough, and Tucker Carlson have all participated in MSNBC's special midterm election coverage, Keith Olbermann has been absent.

Cafferty: End of the Neo-Cons? - After ripping into the Bush administration and it's neoconservative enablers for reneging on every 2000 campaign promise (no nation-buliding, restoring honor and integrity to the Presidency, etc.), Jack begs the question: How much damage has the Bush administration done to the Republican Party?

LA Times Editor Canned In Shadow Of Election, Subscriber Revolt Launched


Why Do Republicans Hate Democracy So Much - Not only is it a fair question to ask but, too, it is a vital query. Republicans pretend to love America and they pretend to love democracy, but they won't allow Americans to participate in democracy.


Higher Blood Pressure Better for Congestive Heart Failure --- It's counterintuitive, but higher blood pressure readings may actually lead to a decreased risk of death among people with congestive heart failure (CHF).

A disease with the label of ADHD - Dr. Baughman is one of the few neurological experts that is willing come forward with the truth about ADHD and the mass drugging of America's children. Have you ever wondered why other countries don't have this explosion of mental illness in their kids?

Chemical Pollution "Harms Children's Brains" -- Chemical pollution may have harmed the brains of millions of children around the world in what scientists are calling a "silent pandemic." - chemicals which are damaging the intellectual potential of the next generation and may increase the incidence of conditions such as Parkinson's disease.

Blow Away Head Lice --- A blast of hot air could be the key to killing head lice.


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