Tuesday, January 23, 2007

January 23, 2007


Security can not be preserved without general knowledge among people." (August 1765) John Adams

-BBC Poll: U.S. Image Around The World Is Getting Much Worse, Wonder What The Reason Could Be ????

-NOTICE: George W. Bush has issued Executive Orders allowing the National Security Agency to read this message and all other e-mail you receive or send---without warning, warrant or notice. Bush has ordered this to be done without any legislative or judicial oversight. You have no recourse nor the impeachment of President Bush and other government officials who are involved in this illegal and unconstitutional activity. ((American Civil Liberties Union and Center for National Security Studies Seek Records on Warrantless Mail Surveillance))

-Bush Betrays Our Soldiers Yet Again: Defense Department officials have laid off most of their case workers who help severely injured service members, sources said.

-FBI Cited For Not Protecting Congressional Pages In Foley Scandal

-Setting The Record Straight: Obama Attack Unfounded.

-Clinton Wrongly Accused; These Untruthful Right-Wing Attacks Have To Be Exposed For What They Are Israeli President May Be Indicted On Rape, Abuse Of Power Charges; So Presidents CAN Be Indicted !!!!

-Why Won't the Corporate Press Discuss Bush's Character Problem? (Supposing You are Playing a Game of Poker with a Guy You Know Always Cheats to Win the Hand.- Maybe that is why.)

-Fitzgerald: "Vice presidential adviser Lewis 'Scooter' Libby first learned the wife of an administration foe worked for the CIA from Vice President Cheney himself, the prosecutor in Libby's perjury and obstruction trial said this morning."
Libby: ‘I Will Not Be Sacrificed So Karl Rove Can be Protected’
How Far is Bush Orbiting in Some Parallel Universe?

-Corporate America is Begging Him to Do Something About Global Warming. That's How Far. You don't stop climate change by waging more war for oil.

-President of the National Research Center for Women & Families, Zuckerman said today: "President Bush's healthcare proposals remind me of a shell game -- moving money and tax breaks from one place to another. Like most gambles, some people will benefit, many will be harmed, and the most vulnerable won't be helped at all

-Bush Continues to Unite the World... AGAINST HIM

-The United States' ability to take on a new fight has been hurt by its wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the top military officials for the U.S. Army and Marine Corps told Congress on Tuesday.

-Brzezinski: Bush Iran Policy ’Stupid’ - He stressed that it is utterly absurd to adopt a position that the US has the right to dictate what happens in Iraq, as if Iran has nothing to say.

-Israeli billionaire Saban biggest donor to US politicians
-The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has begun closing its nationwide network of scientific libraries, effectively preventing EPA scientists and the public from accessing vast amounts of data and information on issues from toxicology to pollution.

-Diabetic women who eat large quantities of red meat and other foods high in iron run a significantly higher risk of developing heart disease, according to new Harvard research published in the journal Diabetes Care.

-Ethanol demand spikes U.S. corn prices

-Lobbyists Find New Congress is OPEN for Business

-Wal-Mart Takes Step to End Discriminatory Policy; Will Now Include Birth Control in Insurance Plan

-Among Republicans, 56% say the nation is heading in the right direction. Just 36% of men, 32% of whites, and 44% of Evangelicals—all groups that backed the President in 2004—say the same.

-President’s personal unfavorable rating reaches 58%.

No Way In - No Way Out *** Americans who cherish freedom would do well to stop stumbling around in the trees and forests of the illegal immigration debate and see that the Bush administration is well on its way to closing the borders of the entire nation, not only to people trying to get in, but to citizens trying to get out.

Is it high treason or just a simple case of dereliction of duty? *** The Bush administration was the closest ever to Bin Laden and could have captured him on September 26, 2001, intelligence operatives were feet from him. http://www.ichblog.eu/content/view/70/2/

Are Saudis waging an oil-price war on Iran?: Falling fuel costs probably not a coincidence, oil traders say http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/16772560/

Bonds: As oil falls, exporters cut levels of U.S. debt: OPEC nations are selling U.S. Treasury securities at the fastest pace in more than three years as tumbling crude oil prices have sent bond prices falling.


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