Tuesday, January 23, 2007

January 23, 2007


Security can not be preserved without general knowledge among people." (August 1765) John Adams

-BBC Poll: U.S. Image Around The World Is Getting Much Worse, Wonder What The Reason Could Be ????

-NOTICE: George W. Bush has issued Executive Orders allowing the National Security Agency to read this message and all other e-mail you receive or send---without warning, warrant or notice. Bush has ordered this to be done without any legislative or judicial oversight. You have no recourse nor the impeachment of President Bush and other government officials who are involved in this illegal and unconstitutional activity. ((American Civil Liberties Union and Center for National Security Studies Seek Records on Warrantless Mail Surveillance))

-Bush Betrays Our Soldiers Yet Again: Defense Department officials have laid off most of their case workers who help severely injured service members, sources said.

-FBI Cited For Not Protecting Congressional Pages In Foley Scandal

-Setting The Record Straight: Obama Attack Unfounded.

-Clinton Wrongly Accused; These Untruthful Right-Wing Attacks Have To Be Exposed For What They Are Israeli President May Be Indicted On Rape, Abuse Of Power Charges; So Presidents CAN Be Indicted !!!!

-Why Won't the Corporate Press Discuss Bush's Character Problem? (Supposing You are Playing a Game of Poker with a Guy You Know Always Cheats to Win the Hand.- Maybe that is why.)

-Fitzgerald: "Vice presidential adviser Lewis 'Scooter' Libby first learned the wife of an administration foe worked for the CIA from Vice President Cheney himself, the prosecutor in Libby's perjury and obstruction trial said this morning."
Libby: ‘I Will Not Be Sacrificed So Karl Rove Can be Protected’
How Far is Bush Orbiting in Some Parallel Universe?

-Corporate America is Begging Him to Do Something About Global Warming. That's How Far. You don't stop climate change by waging more war for oil.

-President of the National Research Center for Women & Families, Zuckerman said today: "President Bush's healthcare proposals remind me of a shell game -- moving money and tax breaks from one place to another. Like most gambles, some people will benefit, many will be harmed, and the most vulnerable won't be helped at all

-Bush Continues to Unite the World... AGAINST HIM

-The United States' ability to take on a new fight has been hurt by its wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the top military officials for the U.S. Army and Marine Corps told Congress on Tuesday.

-Brzezinski: Bush Iran Policy ’Stupid’ - He stressed that it is utterly absurd to adopt a position that the US has the right to dictate what happens in Iraq, as if Iran has nothing to say.

-Israeli billionaire Saban biggest donor to US politicians
-The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has begun closing its nationwide network of scientific libraries, effectively preventing EPA scientists and the public from accessing vast amounts of data and information on issues from toxicology to pollution.

-Diabetic women who eat large quantities of red meat and other foods high in iron run a significantly higher risk of developing heart disease, according to new Harvard research published in the journal Diabetes Care.

-Ethanol demand spikes U.S. corn prices

-Lobbyists Find New Congress is OPEN for Business

-Wal-Mart Takes Step to End Discriminatory Policy; Will Now Include Birth Control in Insurance Plan

-Among Republicans, 56% say the nation is heading in the right direction. Just 36% of men, 32% of whites, and 44% of Evangelicals—all groups that backed the President in 2004—say the same.

-President’s personal unfavorable rating reaches 58%.

No Way In - No Way Out *** Americans who cherish freedom would do well to stop stumbling around in the trees and forests of the illegal immigration debate and see that the Bush administration is well on its way to closing the borders of the entire nation, not only to people trying to get in, but to citizens trying to get out.

Is it high treason or just a simple case of dereliction of duty? *** The Bush administration was the closest ever to Bin Laden and could have captured him on September 26, 2001, intelligence operatives were feet from him. http://www.ichblog.eu/content/view/70/2/

Are Saudis waging an oil-price war on Iran?: Falling fuel costs probably not a coincidence, oil traders say http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/16772560/

Bonds: As oil falls, exporters cut levels of U.S. debt: OPEC nations are selling U.S. Treasury securities at the fastest pace in more than three years as tumbling crude oil prices have sent bond prices falling.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

January 21, 2007


I have an idea. Once we get ourselves out of this god awful mess that Bush has slammed us into and we get that bill paid off, we should give every person in these United States a billion dollars (that is about 350 million folks making $1 Billion dollars each). That would be $350 Billion dollar total, - is that not correct? If we can literally throw away $450 Billion on Iraq we can certainly *throw away* $350 Billion on the individuals of this country. If we are willing to go into debt for this Iraq mess, we should be more than willing to finance a debt for this country's individuals. If we did that, just watch this country take off in a way never before seen!!!

Polling in New Hampshire shows Obama holds slight edge over Clinton and Edwards in tight Dem battle

Iowa Dems favor Edwards, GOP Favors Giuliani, McCain

The Pentagon has hidden at least $1.4 billion in other agencies' accounts instead of returning unspent money to the U.S. Treasury, the Defense Department's internal watchdog told Congress Wednesday.

On January 12, 2007 Google has stopped indexing Uruknet.info as a news source.

If you saw Bush and the Neocons lying their way into invading your country the way Iran has, you would be testing your missiles too!

Motorcycle and street gang members have joined the U.S. military and served in Iraq, a new FBI report says

Clinton More Worried About Winning The Democratic Nomination Than Winning General Election

Bush: “I’m The Decider”… ((Sorry fella, the Congress is the *Decider* now.))

NM Gov. Announces - “Civility And Common Decency In Government Has Perished"

Brownback: Goal To Get Supreme Court “That Would Be Willing To Overturn Roe V. Wade"

World's oldest woman dies at 115 - Montreal - she just stopped breathing - great way to go!!

Will Obama's covered up Muslim past take him out?

Former GOP Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee depleted the governor’s office emergency fund in the final weeks of his administration in part to pay for the destruction of computer hard drives in his office. Now, why did a Republican have to destroy hard drives with records of his administration as governor. Doesn't that information belong to the citizens of Arkansas? Guess not, if you are a Soviet-Style Republican.

Even Henry Kissinger Says We're In Iraq For The Oil

Friend: Cheney Says Washington Is 'All BS,' Full Of 'Suffering Fools'; We Knew He Was There For A Reason

A year and a half after New Orleans became an international symbol of governmental neglect and racism, the city remains in crisis.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

January 20, 2007

You know, I can remember when the Republicans took over everything in this country, I said to hubby, "Well, I just hope this country gets a really good taste of Republicanism so they will never want it again - not for a long, long time."His reply was, "I think they would vote for a Republican in a heart beat." Lordy, I hope he is wrong.

The House legislation, passed 356-71, would slice rates on the subsidized loans from 6.8 percent to 3.4 %in stages over five years

Middle East Policy Council: "You're talking about a war against Iran" that likely would destabilize the Middle East for years, White told a Washington think tank."

Citrus freeze leaves thousands jobless

Sprint reports 300,000 subscriber losses, job cuts coming of 5,000 jobs

Party politics played a role in decisions over whether to take federal control of Louisiana and other areas affected by Hurricane Katrina, former FEMA director Michael Brown said Friday. "Unbeknownst to me, certain people in the White House were thinking 'We had to federalize Louisiana because she's a white, female Democratic governor and we have a chance to rub her nose in it," he said. Can the Bush Crime Family Get Any More Revolting?

Convicted lawmakers may lose pensions (Senate went 87-0 on this vote to strip pensions)

Senate Finance Committee to Attach Tax Small Business Tax Breaks to Minimum Wage Hike - But at Least They'd Be Paid For

34th Anniversary of Roe v. Wade

Senator John McCain has enlisted the core players of President Bush's advertising team, adding them to what was already a group of bare-knuckled political advertising strategists working for his nascent campaign.

The chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee yesterday opened an investigation into a no-bid contract that the chief of the General Services Administration attempted to give to companies operated by her longtime friend.

The average age of the world's greatest civilizations has been two hundred years. These nations have progressed through this sequence:
-From bondage to spiritual faith;
-from spiritual faith to great courage;
-from courage to liberty;
-from liberty to abundance;
-from abundance to selfishness;
-from selfishness to complacency;
-from complaceny to apathy;
-from apathy to dependence;
-from dependency back again into bondage.
Sir Alex Fraser Tyler: (1742-1813)
Scottish jurist and historian

Congressional authority to make the "nuclear option" against Iran illegal long ago abdicated constitutional responsiblity re initiation of wars.

Have you noticed? Neither President George W. Bush NOR Vice President Dick Cheney have cited any U.S. intelligence assessments to support their fateful decision to send 21,500 more troops to referee the civil war in Iraq. This is a far cry from October 2002, when a formal National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) was rushed through in order to trick Congress into giving its nihil obstat for the attack on Iraq.

Elevated Uric Acid Levels May Forewarn Dementia Risks

Dollar falls as data show U.S. investors buy abroad

Did Ariel Sharon, the Prime Minister of Israel, run a covert program with operatives in high-level US government positions to influence the Bush Administration's decision to go to war in Iraq?
The FBI wants to know.

Mass US Rejection of War Increasing

Ohio poll workers indicted for fudging 2004 recount (So, we STILL do not know who really won that election.)

US and British companies can expoit Iraq oil reserves for 30 years under new law

Marine Corps will ask thousands to come back
Kurdish Iraqi soldiers are deserting to avoid the conflict in Baghdad

Angry surgeon hacks off patient's privates Grabbing a scalpel, he sliced off the penis in front of shocked nursing staff, and then placed it on the operating table where he chopped it into small pieces before storming out of the operating theatre at Bucharest hospital. (Good reason to stick with alternative medicine.)

Poll: 49% want Democrat president; 54% say Bush unethical (Nat'l poll: Clinton 47, Obama 17) - SOROS BACKS OBAMA, AS 2008 FEUD BEGINS

As far as the old adage "the customer is always right" goes, Best Buy doesn't buy it. The massive retailer is being vocal about something that at first might sound a little uncouth: frankly, they'd rather not have 20% of their customers as customers.

Mehlman Warns GOP On Way Out: 2006 Losses Were Not A Fluke

Job performance said to be behind White House firing -The Bush administration has quietly asked San Diego U.S. Attorney Carol Lam, best known for her high-profile prosecutions of politicians and corporate executives, to resign her post, a law enforcement official said

MIT researchers copy spider silk

Bush Vs. War Powers Act: The Iraq resolution invoked the War Powers Clause, therefore requiring the President of the United States to gain congressional approval for all troop deployment, as stated in Section 2(b) of the War Powers Act, which points to the Necessary and Proper Clause of the Constitution as the basis for legislation on the war powers.

NY court: FBI might have violated First Amendment in efforts to take down conspiracy film

Internet as political force grows, poll finds
Minnesota Daily Launches Series of 9/11 Truth Columns http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/january2007/190107Columns.htm

European Storm Worm hits computers http://www.smh.com.au/news/World/European-Storm-Worm-hits-computers/2007/01/20/1169096014493.html

Feinstein claims White House using Patriot Act to oust prosecutors *** The California Democrat complained on the Senate floor that the Bush administration has used a provision of the Patriot Act to remove U-S Attorney Kevin Ryan and other prosecutors and replace them with White House allies.

Lobbying backlash could hit bloggers - Much of the bill's wording is obtuse. But one section says that certain political bloggers who make or spend $25,000 per quarter and who encourage readers to contact their elected representatives would be forced to register as lobbyists--or face up to 10 years in prison.

Blog: The middle class at a tipping point http://rawstory.com/showoutarticle.php?src=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.dailykos.com%2Fstory%2F2007%2F1%2F20%2F16012%2F2071

Internet as political force grows, poll finds
Minnesota Daily Launches Series of 9/11 Truth Columns
European Storm Worm hits computers http://www.smh.com.au/news/World/European-Storm-Worm-hits-computers/2007/01/20/1169096014493.html
Feinstein claims White House using Patriot Act to oust prosecutors *** The California Democrat complained on the Senate floor that the Bush administration has used a provision of the Patriot Act to remove U-S Attorney Kevin Ryan and other prosecutors and replace them with White House allies.http://www.kesq.com/Global/story.asp?s=5961037
Lobbying backlash could hit bloggers - Much of the bill's wording is obtuse. But one section says that certain political bloggers who make or spend $25,000 per quarter and who encourage readers to contact their elected representatives would be forced to register as lobbyists--or face up to 10 years in prison.

Blog: The middle class at a tipping point http://rawstory.com/showoutarticle.php?src=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.dailykos.com%2Fstory%2F2007%2F1%2F20%2F16012%2F2071

Friday, January 19, 2007

January 19, 2007


It came as little surprise that Cheney has known of secret negotiations between the Israelis and Syrians on a peace treaty, while egging Israel on in the ill-fated recent war with Hezbollah. And Cheney, according to the BBC, spurned offers by Iran at reaching a level of peaceful coexistence.

Congress Unleashes Antiwar Proposals - Truth is Speaking….Is Power Listening?

Times/Bloomberg Report: Most Oppose Troop Buildup

The Bush administration is trying to protect itself by purging independent-minded prosecutors Internet as Political Force Grows

Demand Accountability from Gonzales, American Civil Liberties Union Calls on Lawmakers Seeks Torture Memos and Answers on Increased Surveillance

Senate Republicans Trying – Again – to Kill Lobbying and Ethics Reform Bill BUT, BUT, BUT the Senate, responding to voter frustration with corruption and special interest influence in Washington, on Thursday overwhelmingly approved far-reaching ethics and lobbying reform legislation.

House Rolls Back Oil Company Subsidies

Iraqi Budget Loaded With Divisive Expenditures - Most ministries get multimillion-dollar discretionary funds known as "social benefits" with few spending safeguards, Iraqi officials say.

Radical Christian Right Feasts On Suburbanites Lost In Growing Personal And Economic Despair With No Sense Of Community

Pelosi Won't Block Iraq Funding to Stop Troop Surge

Miami Beach Wants to Outlaw Private Parties

Senators Demand Details on New Eavesdropping Rules

China Tests Anti-Satellite Weapon, Unnerving US

'Total Bull' That Congress Can't Stop Bush Iraq Escalation Plan Says John Edwards Campaign

The new rules for military courts in the US allow convicted terrorists to be imprisoned or put to death using hearsay evidence or coerced testimony. So, if Mr. A is tortured into saying he heard Mr. B say something bad about Mr. C, Mr. C can be put to death.


McCain's Popularity "Tanking" In New Hampshire, Iowa, Nevada

Gonzales, live: "The Constitution does not say that every citizen has the right to habeas corpus."

Governors lose in power struggle over National Guard - Bush Seizes Control Over State Militias

The cost of the Iraq War in addition to costing thousands of American and Iraqi lives is bleeding the American treasury at dangerous levels.

Auditors Report Billions in Reconstruction Waste and Fraud in Iraq:

Study: Hot chili pepper compound kills cancer without side effects (capsaiin)

Speaking two languages into old age can stave off dementia, study finds

Number of obesity surgery patients in U.S. soared between 1998 and 2004

Las Vegas Review: Host Of This Year’s WH Correspondents Dinner Claiming He Was Told To Go Easy On Bush

42 HOURS, 15 MINUTES....

Pentagon admits spy coins 'never existed'

Congressman Ney was 'hitting the bottle all day long'- sentenced Friday to 30 months in federal prison for his role in a congressional bribery scandal

Pelosi: President Bush 'has to answer for this war'

Ex-aide says Rice ignorant of Mid-East history

Dem compromise may kill min-wage hike

Pacific Lumber Co. files for bankruptcy

CEO: Motorola will cut 3,500 jobs

Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's approval rating with Iranians, including with Supreme Guide Ali Khamenei, is deteriorating.

San Francisco will become the first city in the country requiring employers to give their workers paid sick leave.

Oreck Corporation is moving its manufacturing to
Tennessee due to high insurance rates and lack of workers.

Majority believe stronger passport requirements for travelers entering U.S. will help increase security

Sen. Leahy Slams Gonzalez Over Torture

Rogers Says Oil Will Rise to $100 After Correction' said Jim
Rogers, who predicted the start of the commodities rally in 1999.


Conspiracy of Silence - US Politicians Pedophile Ring


Cheap, safe drug kills most cancers - Tumours in rats deliberately infected with human cancer also shrank drastically when they were fed DCA-laced water for several weeks.DCA attacks a unique feature of cancer cells: the fact that they make their energy throughout the main body of the cell, rather than in distinct organelles called mitochondria. This process, called glycolysis, is inefficient and uses up vast amounts of sugar.

Aficial meat- Technology emerging that will allow scientists to grow artificial meat for human consumption - just like meat at a molecular level, except it won't come from an animal. It will come from a factory where it was grown cell by...

Human guinea pigs eat "ape diet" for 12 days, experience remarkable health improvements - Nine human beings in Devon, England, aged 36 to 49, agreed to be treated like animals for their health by living in a tent next to the ape house at Paignton Zoo and eating a strict diet akin to what our ancestors consumed. The experiment...

Professor says America seeks Afghanistan Oil Deal: The mounting U.S. military presence in Afghanistan and other Central Asian countries may enable Chevron, Exxon-Mobil, UNOCAL, and other giant corporations to lay claim to "the number-one prize in world oil." But the extension of U.S. military power and economic domination into this region comes with very grave risks

The Great Democratic Landslide Of 2008

Thursday, January 18, 2007

January 18, 2007

Read to keep up with some of the news out there:

My question, Mr. President: If God asked you to bombard, invade and occupy Iraq for four years, why did he send an opposite message to the Pope? (Geo. McGovern)

Failure is Not an Option! It Comes Standard on Every Bush Model!

Hangings Fuel Sectarian Split Across Middle East

Christian Conservatives Fight Ethics Bill

The Senate says no to increasing of U.S. troops

Military officials in occupied Afghanistan are proposing a surge of their own. Cost $6B

Denial of habeas corpus right for detainees to be repealed by Democratic Congress

GOP Favors Giuliani, McCain - McCain Leads Republican Field, Obama holds slight edge over Clinton and Edwards in tight Dem battle

Bill Would Require Congress Approval to Increase US Troops in Iraq

Protesters' Names in Pentagon Database

Amid Bloodshed, Bush Wants a 'Thank You'...(Gad!)

The Cornucopia Institute: Organic Fraud: Wal-Mart Stores Inc. Accused of Widespread Distortion Nonorganic Food Products Misidentified as "Organic"

Chinese sent up a ballistic missile to destroy an ageing weather satellite. (US premise - He who rules space rules the earth - oops!)

Attorney General Alberto Gonzales on Wednesday warned federal judges not to meddle in cases involving national security (Arrogance to the hilt!!!)

Americans continue having difficulties paying their mortgage obligations, with December foreclosure rates above the 100,000 mark for the fifth straight month

In an economic and housing outlook, Fannie Mae said sales of new homes are expected to drop by 7.1% in 2007, while sales of existing homes are expected to drop 8.1% this year.

Resignations at Federal Election Commission Raise Concern
Speaker Nancy Pelosi is creating a special committee to recommend legislation to cut greenhouse gases.

Data supplied by tobacco companies strongly suggest that in recent years manufacturers deliberately boosted nicotine levels in cigarettes to more effectively hook smokers, (Harvard researchers).

Pentagon has drafted a manual for upcoming detainee trials that would allow suspected terrorists to be convicted on hearsay evidence and coerced testimony and imprisoned or put to death.

Bush Administration Sources Have Confirmed that Cheney Was Kept Informed of Secret Peace Negotiations Between Israel and Syria.

Kucinich, Sanders Want to Bring Back Fairness Doctrine
Bush Retreats on Use of Executive Power - to submit his warrantless-surveillance program to the jurisdiction of a special intelligence court

71 Employees in Bush's Office Owe $660,000 in Back Taxes

Democrats Target Royalty Breaks for Oil Firms

A Newsweek poll a while back said that 51 percent of Americans want Bush impeached and 44 percent do not. That's about double the support there was for impeaching Clinton when it was in the news every single day.

Thursday is the worst day of the week to be admitted into a hospital. Monday is the most stressful day of the week, resulting in fatal jumps in blood pressure. Being admitted on a Saturday (5.5 days) or Sunday was associated with the shortest hospital stays.

Deaths attributed to medication errors rise by as much as 25 percent above normal in the first few days of every month, because there isn't enough staff to handle the beginning-of-the-month spike in prescriptions.

2 U.S. Attorneys Quit, Critics Say Bush Forced Them Out: Two U.S. Attorneys in California announced they are stepping down, as critics alleged political pressure from the Bush administration was pushing them and others out of their jobs.

Video: Sen. Diane Feinstein blows the whistle on yet another Bush power grab: Watch and tremble -fear for the future of Democracy, Due Process of Law, freedom itself:http://tinyurl.com/2m6gyy

Law Groups Want Pentagon Official Firedhttp://www.commondreams.org/headlines07/0117-03.htm

One Small Step for Sanity - a Bipartisan Senate Measure Confronts Bush Over Iraq.

Bernanke warns of threat to US prosperity: Fed chairman Ben Bernanke warned in stark terms on Thursday of the long-term threat to US prosperity posed by the soaring cost of unfunded entitlement programmes such as Medicare and Social Security.

Methodist Ministers try to stop SMU from landing Bush library, "believe that the linking of his presidency with a university bearing the Methodist name is utterly inappropriate." The Shame of Guantanamo Exposed in Cuba

US housing bust getting worse, warns Goldman Sachs: The US Federal Reserve will need to slash interest rates three times this year as the housing slump goes from bad to worse and the American consumer begins to buckle, Goldman Sachs has warned. "Americans have shown a complete lack of self-control. The personal savings rate is at its lowest point ever, and has actually been negative since April 2005. http://tinyurl.com/wtbvd

Bush and the Psychology of Incompetent DecisionsAccording to John P. Briggs, MD, and J.P. Briggs II, PhD, President George W. Bush prides himself on "making tough decisions." But many are sensing something seriously troubling, even psychologically unbalanced, about the president as a decision-maker. They are right. Because of a psychological dynamic swirling around deeply hidden feelings of inadequacy, the president has been driven to make increasingly incompetent and risky decisions. This dynamic makes the psychological stakes for him now unimaginably high. The words "success" and "failure" have seized his rhetoric like metaphors for his psyche's survival.

According to legend, Iran's President has threatened to destroy Israel, or, to quote the misquote, "Israel must be wiped off the map". Contrary to popular belief, this statement was never made, as this article will prove. http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article16218.htm

January 17, 2007

(Illness precludes my doing the regular blog.)

AG Gonzales Tells Courts to Look the Other Way while Bush Tramples Constitution in Speech to Neocons

The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors voted earlier this week to study the feasibility of banning trans fats in county restaurants,

U.S. Official Who Wanted Boycott on Law Firms Representing Guantanamo Detainees Offers Apology

Software companies are just beginning to realize that miserly protection of software code is not always as lucrative as giving it away and participating in certain open-source software practices instead.

McCain takes fourth among polled Phoenix-area Republicans, loses Phoenix Republican straw poll

One interprets Senator Barbara Boxer's remark last week toCondoleezza Rice that the secretary of state, single and childless, doesn't have a "personal price" to pay in Iraq, the brief exchange still has people debating.

Enemies Of The New Ethics Bill: Abramoff Friend, Christian Conservatives

According to an article in the Jan. 9 issue of Neurology, brain bleeding associated with the blood thinner warfarin -- also known as Coumadin -- increased roughly 500 percent in the 1990s, and by an even greater degree in patients aged 80

Patriot Act purge sweeps U.S. Attorneys from office across America -- who gave White House this power?

Finding 12 People Who Can Impartially Judge Libby Trail Harder Than It Looks

Sixteen months after Hurricane Katrina tore this city apart, a hidden sort of damage is emerging. Local officials see it in reports of suicides, strokes and stress-related deaths. They see it in the police calls for fights and domestic violence. They see it in the long waiting lists for psychiatric care that they have no way to provide. These days, life in the Big Easy isn't easy at all.

Russia has sold new anti-aircraft missiles to Iran

Wrong Winner Chosen Twice by Same Voting Machine

The Justice Department, easing a Bush administration policy, said
Wednesday it has decided to give an independent body authority to monitor the government's controversial domestic spying program.

Bush Won't Budge on Greenhouse Emission Limits

Consumer Reports tests indicate that 83 percent of fresh, whole broiler chickens bought nationwide harbor campylobacter or salmonella, the leading bacterial causes of foodborne disease.

A sociopath is defined as someone who displays at least three of seven distinguishing characteristics, such as deceitfulness, impulsivity and a lack of remorse. Such people often have a superficial charm, which they exercise ruthlessly in order to get what they want. ))Sound like anyone we all know?((((((

Ailing Cuban leader Fidel Castro has had at least three failed operations and complications from an intestinal infection and faces "a very grave prognosis," a Spanish newspaper reported Tuesday. The Iraqi government is moving to solidify relations with Iran, even as the United States turns up the rhetorical heat and bolsters its military forces to confront Tehran's influence in Iraq.

Iraq vets' suicide rate soars: While over 3,000 American soldiers have died in hostilities, a growing number have taken their own lives, often because of the horrors of fighting the war.

Russia has delivered new anti-aircraft missile systems to Iran and will consider further requests by Tehran for defensive weapons

A Pakistani arms broker convicted of exporting U.S. missile parts to Iran resumed business after his release from prison. He purchased Chinook helicopter engine parts for Iran from a U.S. company that had bought them in a Pentagon surplus sale.

After campaigning for months on a promise to tighten ethics rules, Senate Democratic leaders tried unsuccessfully Thursday to block a measure that would shine a light on the shadowy practice of earmarking federal money for lawmakers’ pet projects.

Quick Tax Refund Loans Continue to Gouge Taxpayers

A letter from about 1,000 active-duty, Guard and Reserve members calling for Congress to end the war in Iraq was delivered to Capitol Hill

A Defense Department database devoted to gathering information on potential threats to military facilities and personnel, known as Talon, had 13,000 entries as of a year ago - including 2,821 reports involving American citizens, according to an internal Pentagon memo to be released today by the American Civil Liberties Union. The Pentagon memo says an examination of the system led to the deletion of 1,131 reports involving Americans, 186 of which dealt with "anti-military protests or demonstrations in the US."

Libby Seeks Jurors Who Trust Cheney ((OOHEE - what fool would say yes to that inquiry?)))

Bush Administration Leaving Out Important Details on Iraq http://www.commondreams.org/headlines07/0115-04.htm

Acrylamide content of most foods remains a mystery:http://www.newstarget.com/021428.html

Boosting olive oil intake can lower blood pressure in men, study finds:http://www.newstarget.com/021427.html

CO2 emissions to cause catastrophic rise in sea levels, warns top NASA climatologist:http://www.newstarget.com/021425.html

Plastic circuitry breakthrough may revolutionize electronics industry:http://www.newstarget.com/021424.html

Visionary Vehicles races big three auto makers to market with a hybrid plug-in electric car:http://www.newstarget.com/021429.html

New Report Links High Credit Card Debt to Medical Expenseshttp://www.commondreams.org/news2007/0116-08.htm

Drug for Deadly Brain Tumor Shows PromiseAZD2171 reduces the size of a brain tumor and improves the effectiveness of other therapeutic techniques.

Periodontal Disease Linked to Pancreatic CancerHere's a new reason you may not want to miss your dental cleanings.

Iran Does Not Pose A Threat To The U.S. (Audio 10 Minutes) *** Radio National host Paul Barry interviews Scott Ritter. http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article17203.htm

Monday, January 15, 2007

January 15, 2007

"All those who seek to destroy the liberties of a democratic nation ought to know that war is the surest and shortest means to accomplish it." - Alexis de Tocqueville (1805-1859) French historian - Source: Democracy in America, 1835

No matter how much you sacrifice, no matter how much you shackle your children to their share of the burden, this government can never get out of debt. The interest alone now exceeds all the personal income taxes paid by every American...... Americans have two and only two choices. Either we allow ourselves to get dragged down, or we stop throwing good money after bad and let the US Government collapse with its bad debts.


Cliff Ahead! Stomp on the Gas! War costs are hitting historic proportions - Okay, Bush lost the advantage in Afghanistan, so now he goes down in Iraq by going into Iran? Remember, it is his promises of "freedom" and democracy in the Middle East and throughout the world!!!!

="It's not a matter of what is true that counts but a matter of what is perceived to be true." ---Henry Kissinger

"The most important thing is for us to find Osama bin Laden. It is our number one priority and we will not rest until we find him." —Washington, D.C., Sept. 13, 2001


How is it one careless match can start a forest fire, but it takes a whole box to start a campfire?

We Americans have no commission from God to police the world: Benjamin Harrison, address to Congress, 1888

"Bush is Charles Keating, using other people's money to keep Lincoln Savings going long after it should have been shut down - and squandering the life savings of thousands of investors, not to mention billions in taxpayer dollars, along the way." (Paul Klugman)

Cheney Defends Efforts to Obtain Financial Records - (but how is the Pentagon was using its authority?)


-60 Minutes: CIA Official Reveals Bush, Cheney, Rice Were Personally Told Iraq Had No WMD in Fall 2002

-Reuters: Al Gore Won't Run For President

-U.S. GIs fighting in Philippines against guerrillas linked to al-Qaida

-Zogby Poll: Nation Now Needs a New Reagan or FDR
U.S. in national crisis, majority tell Pollster Zogby

-WHAT A PAUSE Mitch McConnell serves up when Wolf Blitzer asks him why he believes President Bush's troop escalation plan will succeed.

-'08 Hopefuls Biden And Dodd: Time For South Carolina To Take Down The Confederate Flag

-Doctors Planning First Womb Transplant In The United States

-More US women husband-free than ever

-Michigan court says 'anyone involved in extramarital fling' can be prosecuted.

"Do not hold the delusion that your advancement is accomplished by crushing others.": Marcus Tullius Cicero - (106-43 B.C.) Roman Statesman, Philosopher and Orator

New Law Could Subject Civilians to Military Trial - Private contractors and other civilians serving with US troops in Iraq and Afghanistan could be subject for the first time to military courts-martial under a new federal provision that legal scholars say is almost certain to spark constitutional challenges.

Many in the hot seat at Libby trial


Colorado Senate seat opens up in 2008 as Republican Wayne Allard won't run for third term

As so often before, liberty has been wounded in the house of its friends. Liberty in the wild and freakish hands of fanatics has once more, as frequently in the past, proved the effective helpmate of autocracy and the twin-brother of tyranny: Otto Hermann Kahn - Speech at the University of Wisconsin

Want to double your taxes? U.S. comptroller says taxes would have to double to pay for Bush budget in 2040

Euro displaces dollar in bond markets - The euro has displaced the US dollar as the world’s pre-eminent currency in international bond markets, having outstripped the dollar denominated market for the second year in a row

Housing Crash Continues, Bubble Pops


2006 hottest year on record for U.S., climate experts say:


Media giants want to criminalize personal copying of movie DVDs to portable electronic devices:


Mainstream media criticizes Wikipedia because it represents a decentralization of their information monopoly:


Genetically Altered Cells Could Fight Skin Infection

Milk Counteracts Healthy Benefits of Tea

Fighting Cancer With Fat

Rush University Medical Center and Duke University Medical Center - using one's own adult stem cells for reversing heart damage and for healing chronic skin problems

Study finds that daily dose of probiotic helps improve infantile colic symptoms:

Calif. governor proposes universal health plan:

Kraft Foods faces suit over "all natural" claim on Capri Sun drink:

"Muscle Logic" book introduces revolutionary strength training concepts for building lean body mass:

Sunday, January 14, 2007

January 14, 2007


CAN YOU BELIEVE THIS!!!! The senior Pentagon official in charge of military detainees suspected of terrorism said that he was dismayed that lawyers at many of the nation's top firms were representing prisoners at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and that the firms' corporate clients should consider ending their business ties.


Bush Administration "Aggressively" Expanding Domestic Spying - The Pentagon has been using a little-known power to obtain banking and credit records of hundreds of Americans - The CIA has also been issuing what are known as national security letters to gain access to financial records from American companies,


Housing Bubble Bloodbath *** Imagine mortgage payments that suddenly jump from $1,300 per month to more than $2,000 on a $129,000 house. That’s what many people will be facing in 2007 when their loans reset and they are suddenly forced out of their homes and onto the streets.



Breaking Ranks: Troops Call for Iraq Withdrawal - - active duty troops will travel to Washington to present the Appeal for Redress of Grievances from the US Congress to US Representative Dennis Kucinich

Top Dem Wesley Clark Says ‘N.Y. Money People’ Pushing War With Iran: Retired general Wesley Clark drew harsh criticism this week after reportedly saying that “New York money people” are pushing America into a war against Iran.


"But all in all, it's been a fabulous year for Laura and me."summing up his first year in office, three months after the 9/11 attacks, Washington, D.C., Dec. 20, 2001


Why is there a light in the fridge and not in the freezer?


Iraq's billions & the White House connection: The American company appointed to advise the US government on the economic reconstruction of Iraq has paid hundreds of thousands of dollars into Republican Party coffers


-Bush is spending our tax dollars -- like a dry drunk sailor --to benefit war profiteers.

-Bush just connected Iraq to 9/11 again, and the media will not tell you it was
a lie,"

-Bush Breaks 150-Year History of No Higher US Taxes in Wartime

-Bush answers a country demanding an exit
strategy from the Iraq war, by offering an entrance strategy for an Iran war

-Opposition to Iraq Plan Leaves Bush Isolated

-Republicans on Panel Back President's Plan, Masking Divisions

-Experts doubt Iraqis can make Bush plan work:

-Six Senators both parties Back Mandatory Greenhouse Gas Cuts


Most of the panel, in a two way race between the two leading candidates, prefer Hillary Clinton the Democrat over John McCain

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