Sunday, September 03, 2006

September 3, 2006

Former Texas first lady Connally dies The 87-year-old was the last living person who had been part of that fateful Dallas drive.

Bush Caught in a Lie about the 9/11 WTC attacks
If Bush really did see an airplane on TV hitting the World Trade Center then he saw that the aircraft was under control at the time, and he saw it before arriving at Booker Elementary because he was en route to the school when the first plane struck WTC 1 - a closed-circuit live feed to his limo is the only way he could have seen this impact on TV.

Half a truth is often a great lie: Benjamin Franklin

Israeli Diplomat Charged with Molestation
The indictment says that Ofri used e-mail and online messages to lure a child from Columbia County—about two hours east of Atlanta—for “illegal acts relating to sodomy, aggravated sodomy, child molestation and aggravated child molestation.”

This sort of thing seems to happen a lot with Israeli diplomats.
Sex Scandal Past Haunts New Envoy - Free Registration Required
The Strange Case of the Disappearing Diplomat - Free Registration Required
Israel Has Second Thoughts on Consul -- Free Registration Required
Israeli Consul in Nude Picture Storm
Australia Consul Appointment Reviewed
Diplomat Said to Unnerve Women
Jewish Diplomat Involved in Child Prostitution Scandal
Brazil Links Israeli Consul to Child Prostitution
Wanted Israeli Diplomat Flees Brazil
The Principal Villains of Brasilian Pedofilia Crimes
Brazilian Police Stake Out Diplomat Accused of Running Kiddie-Porn Ring

Knesset committee data reveals courts soft on human trafficking
By law, the courts are allowed to fine people found guilty of trafficking up to NIS 228,000. In 2005, however, only 23 out of 73 people found guilty of such violations were fined. Furthermore, the average fine imposed upon those found guilty was NIS 17,400 - only 7.6 percent of the maximum allowed by law.

A Demand for Hussein's Release A coalition of 300 Iraqi tribal leaders on Saturday demanded the release of Saddam Hussein so he could reclaim the presidency and also called for armed resistance against U.S.-led forces.

New book alleges Rove held secret Abramoff meetings; Stepfather's gay life explored "When the latest sidewalk strategy session with Karl Rove had concluded, Jack Abramoff settled into the backseat of his chauffeur-driven car," Moore and Slater write on page 9. "'Like I said, everything that comes out of the White House is logged in. The phone calls he makes. The phone calls he receives. So this is just easier.'"
On terrorism, Bush maligns history and our intelligence There is something sad about a grown man playing children's make-believe war games in a tree house in grandpa's back yard - which is how President George W. Bush came across Thursday night in his speech on the importance of winning the war in Iraq in the global battle against terrorism. Rarely does a leader of a great country like the United States malign history, his people's intelligence and the dignity of over a billion Muslims in one speech, but Bush did that Thursday night and will probably keep doing it for a while.

Is this Bush's secret bunker? Today, as the Bush administration wages its war on terror, Mount Weather is believed to house a "shadow government" made up of senior Washington officials on temporary assignment.,,1859632,00.html

Bush Setting Up Next Terror Speech The White House is bringing representatives from countries that have suffered terrorist attacks to populate the audience at President Bush's next war-on-terror speech, to emphasize the global nature of the enemy.

Neither a man nor a crowd nor a nation can be trusted to act humanely or to think sanely under the influence of a great fear:
Bertrand Russell: English logician and philosopher 1872-1970

Number of Republicans declines to 32-month low
The number of Democrats has grown slightly, from 36.1% at the beginning of the year to 37.3% now. The number of Americans calling themselves Republican has fallen to its lowest level in more than two-and-a-half years. Just 31.9% of American adults now say they're affiliated with the GOP. That's down from 37.2% in October 2004 and 34.5% at the beginning of 2006. These results come from Rasmussen Reports tracking surveys of 15,000 voters per month and have a margin of sampling error smaller than a percentage point.

Poverty strikes big cities at opposite ends of Ohio Cincinnati joins Cleveland on list of poorest places in U.S.
Defense Contractor CEOs' Pay Doubles The chief executives of corporations making big profits from the war on terror are enjoying far bigger pay increases than CEOs of nondefense companies, according to a study by two liberal groups.\

Intel expected to cut thousands of jobs Intel Chief Executive Paul Otellini is expected to announce a massive layoff as soon as Tuesday that could eliminate as many as 10,000 jobs, CNET has learned.

Defense Contractor CEOs' Pay Doubles The chief executives of corporations making big profits from the war on terror are enjoying far bigger pay increases than CEOs of nondefense companies, according to a study by two liberal groups.\

Writer of ABC’s 9/11 ‘Docudrama’ Is Avowed Conservative Activist ABC will air a “docudrama” next weekend called “The Path to 9/11″ which blames President Clinton for the 9/11 attacks while praising President Bush. The writer of the movie is an unabashed conservative named Cyrus Nowrasteh.

Coming Close to a Breakthrough on 9/11? It appears the government is really starting to run scared about 9/11 now. All kinds of counter claims are starting to appear in the MSM trying to rebuke the 9/11 'Conspiracy Theories'. They haven't said anything new and they haven't done anything to prove or demonstrate their point that physical laws can be altered.

Report Urges F.A.A. to Act Regarding False 9/11 Testimony The acting inspector general, Todd J. Zinser, whose office acts as the department’s internal watchdog, found in a new report that the F.A.A. executives, as well as a third official who is now retired, learned after the fact that false information was given to the commission in May 2003 about the F.A.A.’s contacts with the Air Force on the morning of Sept. 11.

First Time Released Documents Expose Subservient Congress - National Security Whistleblowers Coalition (NSWBC) has obtained documents revealing that to date the Executive Branch has refused congressional requests to be briefed on illegal black operations conducted by the NSA, and has denied these representatives access to relevant witnesses and documents. - The term "national security" has become talismanic, conferring extraordinary powers on the President whenever it is uttered.

Democratic hopeful for Fla. House seat called to 2nd Iraq tour - James Walker faces Republican incumbent Dennis Baxley in the 24th district in the November general election. Neither candidate was being challenged in the primary Tuesday.

CU students punished for time helping with Katrina In extreme cases, the bad grades or uncompleted classes meant repayment of financial aid and the loss of GI Bill assistance.,1299,DRMN_15_4964938,00.html
Japanese Companies Linked to Illegal Exports of Goods Used to Make Nuclear Weapons There is evidence that Japanese technology has aided nuclear programs in Libya, Iran and North Korea.

A Little Reminder To Secy. Rumsfeld From The Memory Hole - Rumsfeld's handshake deal with Saddam is indeed a history lesson more Americans need to remember.

Dave Lindorff: Impeachent Brown-out in Corporate Media, and C-Span's online report "The Case for Impeachment"Back during the Clinton presidency, when the president was being charged with lying about a marital infidelity, a number of major publications were calling for his resignation or impeachment. Now, when the president is openly undermining the fundamental principles of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, starting wars in violation of the Nuremburg Charter, ignoring acts passed by the Congress, and stripping citizens of their right to a trial, not one paper has called for resignation, much less impeachment.

Head of TV Watchdog Group Steps Down L. Brent Bozell, one of America's best-known crusaders against broadcast indecency, has stepped down as president of the Parents Television Council, the organization said Friday.

Human Rights Watch contradicts Dershowitz The non-profit group Human Rights Watch says that lawyer Alan Dershowitz misrepresented its report on the conflict in Lebanon.

The Fiction of Government Debt We have had three Presidents who supported the right of the government to issue Treasury Notes instead of Federal Reserve Notes. Unfortunately for us, all three were killed by "lone assassins."

Israel Plans for War With Iran and Syria
Israel is preparing for a possible war with both Iran and Syria, according to Israeli political and military sources. "The challenge from Iran and Syria is now top of the Israeli defense agenda, higher than the Palestinian one," said an Israeli defense source.

Freedom is the right to tell people what they do not want to hear :
George Orwell : English novelist, essayist, and critic, 1903-1950

Death Penalty Sought for US Soldiers Accused of Iraqi Murders
An Army investigator has recommended that four soldiers accused of murder in a raid in Iraq should face the death penalty, according to a report obtained Saturday by The Associated Press. Lt. Col. James P. Daniel Jr. concluded that the slayings were premeditated and warranted the death sentence based on evidence he heard at an August hearing.

Donald Rumsfeld's Dance With the Nazis Frank Rich
"President Bush came to Washington vowing to be a uniter, not a divider. Well, you win some and you lose some. But there is one member of his administration who has not broken that promise: Donald Rumsfeld. With indefatigable brio, he has long since united Democrats, Republicans, generals and civilians alike in calling for his scalp," writes Frank Rich.

Democracy don't rule the world. You'd better get that in your head. This world is
ruled by violence, but I guess tha't better left unsaid.
Bob Dylan: American folksinger, b.1941

Cost of America's War in Iraq
See the cost in your community

Iraq: A Sweeping, Secret New Report:
Bush administration policymakers and their congressional backers may get some unwelcome news from a new analysis on Iraq that the officeof intelligence czar John Negroponte will soon produce. UK: 'Deluded': Extraordinary attack on Blair by Cabinet :

UK: 'Deluded': Extraordinary attack on Blair by Cabinet :
'Self-indulgent' PM urged to 'end the pantomime' as senior ministers
meet to hasten his departure

Extraordinary Attack on Blair by Cabinet
Tony Blair will be served notice to quit Downing Street at a meeting of the Cabinet next week when senior ministers plan to confront him over his refusal to commit to a departure timetable.

Pig at the trough:
Critical congressman tours Israel :
A Democratic congressman who came under fire after calling for an
immediate cease-fire during Israel’s Lebanon war visited Israel.

A writer with the New Republic was fired for defending blog posts under a fake id.
It seems that the man who attacked bloggers so viciously is a sockpuppet.
(Cheaters never prosper – well not this time anyway.)

Mexican leftists storm Congress:
In a historic rebuke, opposition lawmakers seized control of Mexico's congressional chamber Friday and blocked President Vicente Fox from delivering his final State of the Nation address.

Venezuela: Chavez alleges coup plot: (I wonder who is behind this?)
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez alleged he has discovered a plot to overthrow his government, state-run television VTV reported Saturday.

It’s the American Way or the Highway:
Despite the United States presenting the American Way as an offer the rest of the world can’t refuse, increasing numbers of nations and groups are successfully resisting. Since opposition threatens their relentlessly acquisitive agenda, the US power elite demonize leaders like Hugo Chavez and nations like Iran. In reality, those who reject the dictates of the American Empire are worthy of respect.

FBI Role in Terror Probe Questioned:
Lawyers Point to Fine Line Between Sting and Entrapment

The Mansion the War Bought:
We constantly hear about Dick Cheney's ties to Halliburton and how his ex-company is making bundles off US contracts in Iraq. But what we don't hear about is how Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein and her husband are also making tons of money off the "war on terror".

Report Urges F.A.A. to Act Regarding False 9/11 Testimony :
The acting inspector general, Todd J. Zinser, whose office acts as the department’s internal watchdog, found in a new report that the F.A.A. executives, as well as a third official who is now retired, learned after the fact that false information was given to the commission in May 2003

Shia Leader Powerless to Save Iraq from Civil War
Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani, the most influential moderate Shia leader in Iraq, has abandoned attempts to restrain his followers, admitting that there is nothing he can do to prevent the country from sliding towards civil war.

More GOP Districts Counted as Vulnerable
Facing the most difficult political environment since they took control of Congress in 1994, Republicans begin the final two months of the midterm campaign in growing danger of losing the House while fighting to preserve at best a slim majority in the Senate, according to strategists and officials in both parties.

Not All Ethics Clouds Darken Election Day
Some incumbents facing scrutiny are favored to return to Congress anyway, undercutting Democrats' 'culture of corruption' attack. Only public apathy can explain the Republicans running with humongous ethics violations hanging around their necks and getting away with – if that happens.,1,5669765.story?track=rss&ctrack=1&cset=true

Bankruptcies Hide Record Jump in Federal Debt
If you look at the charts in this article you have to ask: So how can the amount of debt the federal government is accruing keep going up, but the deficit be dropping?

Kristol: ‘Bush Should Pardon Libby. He Should Do it Now’
Libby has been charged with obstructing justice, making false statements to a grand jury and perjury. Kristol, however, asserted that Libby was only indicted because special prosecutor was “totally out of control” and “had to indict someone.” He added that Libby “didn’t lie in any serious meaning of lying before a grand jury.”

Fears of 'extreme' TB strain
Health experts are to hold an emergency meeting in Johannesburg this week, following the discovery of a deadly new strain of tuberculosis.
New drug-resistant infection is 'nightmare' say health experts,,1863850,00.html?gusrc=rss&feed=12


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