Thursday, November 09, 2006

November 9. 2006


Democracy has just been saved - We were within one election of our Constitution being replaced with a "unitary executive" authority that saw Congress as a needless, obstacle to domination (dictatorship) by the self-appointed "Masters of the Universe."

*** Pre-2007 Release: "Clueless George Takes on Liberals"

- maybe all will be allowed to read legislation before it is agreed to - maybe now the individual will not be locked out of a committee meeting - maybe now amendments will be brought to the floor and be allowed presentation and discussion.
- maybe now we can remove the tax cut from the top 1% and get this country up to snuff by order of 9/ll recommendations.
- maybe now lobby types will be put under a magnification thus making the process transparent.

WARNING How Rahm Emanuel Has Rigged a Pro-War Congress "Democrats Split Over Timetable For Troops; In Close Races, Most Reject Rapid Pullout," the headline atop page one of the Sunday Washington Post informed us as the election season got underway. (((Stories like this abound these days, and they should all be prefaced with the single word, "betrayal.")))

Election Could Have Been Thrown, Says Fraud Expert --- Voting rights activist Bev Harris fears the mid-term elections may have been thrown in order to quell suspicions about vote fraud in anticipation of a major 2008 coup. Liberal blog sites are already naively telling whistleblowers and "conspiracy theorists" to keep quiet now that the left arm of the establishment, the Democrats, have re-emerged


Iraqis cheer Rumsfeld departure

Iraq exit the No 1 priority for Rumsfeld successor: Robert Gates, the 63-year-old career intelligence officer chosen to replace Donald Rumsfeld at the Pentagon, takes over with the clearest of missions: get American troops out of Iraq as quickly and cleanly as possible.

Iraq: the new cover-up - A secret first full draft of the Iraq WMD dossier, which shows how Tony Blair persuaded parliament of the case for war, is being concealed by the government. This draft was not written by the intelligence services, as Whitehall claims, but by a Foreign Office spin-doctor.

UK's Iraq policy 'a rank disaster': British policy in Iraq has been a "rank disaster", a former diplomat told MPs on Wednesday as he pledged to reveal secret evidence about the war.

Iraqis cheer Rumsfeld departure - Iraqis on Thursday cheered the resignation of U.S. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, blaming him for policy failures and scandals they say helped spawn the daily sectarian carnage wracking their nation.


Bush aims to set agenda for Congress Thursday morning

Senate Results Are Harshest Rebuke to Bush

The New Boss, Same As The Old Boss

As fast as word arrived of Bush's desire to renominate Bolton for the U.N., the nomination was shot down . . by Lincoln Chafee

More Resignations Expected at Pentagon After Rumsfeld's Departure - More senior Pentagon officials are likely to step down in the coming days in the wake of Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld's announced departure, Pentagon officials told FOX News on Thursday.

The Secret World of Robert Gates --- Robert Gates, George W. Bush’s choice to replace Donald Rumsfeld as Defense Secretary, is a trusted figure within the Bush Family’s inner circle, but there are lingering questions about whether Gates is a trustworthy public official.If Bush’s timetable is met, there will be no time for a serious investigation into Gates’s past


Democrats Win Senate! Democracy Wins a Reprieve! This Will Mean Bush Won't Get a Blank Check on Federal Hack Judges and the Next Key Supreme Court Nomination. It May Also Just Mean that the Constitution has Been Saved from Destruction. Dems Control Both Houses of Congress Come January. Believe it!


Republicans to move for Bolton confirmation before Democrats take over Senate in '07

Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.) says he has enough votes to become Republican Senate Whip in the 110th Congress………………Santorum had been expected to run for the whip job…… Sen. Trent Lott (R-Miss.), who served as Senate majority and minority leader between 1996 and 2002, is also believed to be vying for the whip's position.

The One-Party Near Dictatorial Reign of the Republicans Ends as Dems Sweep to Power in Both Houses of Congress. "The days of the do-nothing Congress are over," declared Democratic Sen. Harry Reid of Nevada, in line to become majority leader. "In Iraq and here at home, Americans have made clear they are tired of the failures of the last six years."


Rangel's itching to evict Cheney - Harlem's newly powerful Rep. Charles Rangel wants to stick it to his White House nemesis Vice President Cheney - by taking over his spacious House office. (Don't evict; investigate and prosecute!)

US Foreign Policy Set to Change Dramatically --- ‘'Bottom line, the Gates' nomination has Jim Baker's finger prints all over it,'' said J. William Lauderback, executive vice-president of the American Conservative Union.That analysis will likely be echoed in the coming days by a host of neo-conservatives howling about a realist takeover(labels, such as 'realist','neo-conservative', etc are just part of the deception in fielding the NWO Team)

Historic Democratic Victory door*** The Democrats will be thinking about 2008. They have two years to prove they are really different than the GOP. We can USE that! As soon as they get into office in January,*** flood their offices with *** demands for*** full investigations into the*** lies that led to Iraq. Tell them that *** their name on the is *** written with *** erasable marker.

John Bolton Likely to Depart U.N.


Group Can Seek White House, FDA Records About Plan B Pill - A federal magistrate judge has ruled that a reproductive-rights group can seek White House e-mails and other documents as part of its lawsuit promoting broader access to the "morning-after" pill.

Justice to push for surveillance legislation - Justice Department officials said Thursday they are gearing up for a push to win passage of the Terrorist Surveillance Act during the coming "lame duck" session of Congress under Republican control.

Iraq: the new cover-up - A secret first full draft of the Iraq WMD dossier, which shows how Tony Blair persuaded parliament of the case for war, is being concealed by the government. This draft was not written by the intelligence services, as Whitehall claims, but by a Foreign Office spin-doctor.

War Crimes Suit Prepared against Rumsfeld --- The president of the Center for Constitutional Rights, Michael Ratner, is heading to Germany today to file a new case charging outgoing Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld with war crimes for authorizing torture at Guantanamo Bay.He joins us in our firehouse studio

Burger King sued over marijuana in police officers' burgers


Misleading GOP Handouts Called a Political 'Low Point' - At least six chartered buses carried mostly poor, black men from as far as Philadelphia to hand out inaccurate voter guides in Baltimore and Prince George's County yesterday as part of an effort by backers of Gov. Robert L. Ehrlich Jr. and U.S. Senate candidate Michael S. Steele to woo black voters.

Young Voter Turnout Highest In 20 Years...

Ballot Measure Losses Stagger the Religious Right --- From the country's heartland, voters sent messages that altered America's culture wars and dismayed the religious right - defending abortion rights in South Dakota, endorsing stem cell research in Missouri, and, in a national first, rejecting a same-sex marriage ban in Arizona.

George Allen's Campaign Attempts to Supress Democratic Votes - "This message is for Timothy Daly. This is the Virginia Elections Commission. We've determined you are registered in New York to vote. Therefore, you will not be allowed to cast your vote on Tuesday. If you do show up, you will be charged criminally."

George Allen Concedes. Democrats Control Both Houses of Congress. There Will be No Republican Challenge to the Dems Assuming Leadership of the Senate.

18,000 votes in U.S. House race may be lost - Thousands of votes were either not counted or not cast in Sarasota's nationally watched congressional race.

Mine Deaths Blamed on Company Run by Major GOP Contributor - West Virginia state mining officials concluded Thursday that a fatal mine accident in January could have been prevented, placing blame on a huge coal company run by one of the country's biggest Republican donors, Don Blankenship. - "There's never been a more obvious and more disgusting pollution of the political process in West Virginia," says Steenstra.

Morning-After Pundits Take Winners to Task - On the day after Election Day 2006, pundits from major U.S. news outlets had, as one would expect, substantial amounts of political criticism for the party that faced major losses. What is more remarkable is the amount of criticism and caution directed at the party that won major gains.

MEHLMAN OUT, CNN REPORTS - Barely a day after they outed him, CNN now reports that RNC head Ken Mehlman, exhausted, will out himself… as head of the RNC.

Very wierd result in the CT race. Lamont loses with EXACT number that republican did in 2000

In Historic Election, Working People Make the Difference

National Rifle Association Suffers Self-Proclaimed “Biggest Election Disaster in Nearly 15 Years”


NYSE to slash fifth of workforce - NYSE Group - which owns the largest US exchange - has said it plans to dismiss almost 18% of its employees.

Hundreds of out-of-work GOP staffers face unemployment


Speaker Pelosi's Impending Intelligence Failure - this lets you look as some of the ends she must tie up fast.

Dems plan to force Iraq policy change - Hope election gains would provide momentum for more than fall of Rumsfeld.

Democrats to Usher in Change in Judicial Nominations, Investigations --- Democrats have control of the House of Representatives after 12 years of Republican rule, setting the stage for a series of intensive investigations of the Bush administration by several different House committees. The Democratic Senate victory could also have profound implications for the next Supreme Court pick.

Democrats to Target Oil Majors in New US Congress --- Big oil companies will be a top target of Democratic lawmakers when they officially take over the House of Representatives early next year.

Hastert Will Step Down --- House Speaker Dennis Hastert (R-Ill.) will not seek reelection to the Republican leadership when his members return as a minority party after taking heavy losses in Tuesday's elections, a Republican official tells TIME.The battle to succeed him will be bruising, as members attempt to allocate blame for the Foley mess

Wyoming's Sen. Craig Thomas has leukemia - Sen. Craig Thomas, hospitalized since Monday with pneumonia, has been diagnosed with a form of leukemia, the Republican senator's spokesman said Thursday.


Vandalism shuts down 'Jesus Camp'- Film showed children were sent to camp to pray before an effigy of George Bush.


Conservation group aims to end destruction of mountaintops by mining operations:

GS Cleantech Bioreactor converts C02 into oxygen, reduces greenhouse gas emissions:


FBI-IC3 alerts new email scheme designed to extract personal financial information and implant virus. * The first e-mail hoax claims the recipient made the purchase through an online service provider. The e-mail contains a link if the recipient wishes to dispute the charges to their account. Once the link is selected, the recipient is requested to provide their account information.--- The second e-mail hoax includes a PDF attachment claiming to be the order summary. The attachment contains a virus which will infect your computer.


World welcomes shift in U.S. politics - Politicians, analysts and ordinary citizens across much of the world welcomed the electoral rebuke given President Bush's Republican Party and the resignation of Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld on Wednesday.


Startling findings in probe of Tillman's death - They re-enacted the killings -- here the U.S. Army Rangers swept through the canyon in their Humvee, blasting away; here the doomed man waved his arms, pleading for recognition as a friend, not an enemy.

Pat Tillman Death Probe Released: Family Says It Was Buried Because “Findings Were Too Explosive”...


Talk radio hosts lick election wounds - Those talk-show hosts maintain any mistakes made by President Bush and Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld since September 11 were far outweighed by the justice of the cause and that Democrats and others who criticized them were short-sighted. (There is no hope for some folks!)

CENSORED BY CNN: BILL MAHER SUGGESTS RNC CHAIR MEHLMAN IS GAY…. (why Maher thinks this is news …. is news to me. Everyone I know … knows about the huge nest of closeted gays in D.C. government Repub highups.)


Seeking to Keep Your Heart Healthy? Nattokinase may be among the most powerful of all methods to improve your heart health. It's no coincidence that the people of Japan consume natto regularly, and live longer. Since there are so many health problems caused by compromised circulation, the number of conditions that might benefit from nattokinase is staggering.

If You Eat Lots of Bread, You Increase Your Risk of Deadly Kidney Cancer - Your risk of a deadly common kidney cancer increases when you eat excessive amounts of bread, pasta, and rice.

The Impact of the Congressional Elections on Health Care

'Morning-after' pill available in drugstores next week - The pill, Plan B, reduces the risk of pregnancy after unprotected sex by 89 percent. It initially was available by prescription only, but this limited its effectiveness -- the longer after sex the pill is taken, the less effective it becomes. (Get ready for Christian terrorism directed at the stores that carry this pill.)

Fizzy drinks increase risk of pancreatic cancer - Scientists have now, for the first time, shown that the consumption of sweetened food and drink affects a person's chances of developing pancreatic cancer.

Stem-cell transfer breakthrough raises hopes for blindness cure - A breakthrough in restoring sight to the blind has been made with a study showing that a damaged eye can be repaired by transplanting light-sensitive cells.

Plant sterols in Mars chocolate bars lowers cholesterol:

Parents urged to massage babies to promote sleep quality, stress reduction:

Acai berries top the charts for antioxidant potency, but commercial processing may destroy nutritional content:


Woman fatally bitten by snake in church

Journalism legend Ed Bradley dies of leukemia at 65yrs.

DEM Senator Nelson's Son arrested - Senator Bill Nelson's son was arrested around 5 AM this morning in downtown Orlando for fighting, assault on a police officer and resisting arrest. Other charges may be pending. (from a GOP blog - very unintellectual responses to this item )


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