Friday, September 08, 2006

September 4, 2006

Waving a red flag because I don't want to live under one!

No environmental resources means no viable capitalism:
We talk a lot about the environment – making resources last. I think we have to think about capitalism along the same lines. Capitalists are going to have to think ENVIRONMENT and RESOURCES or we will not have our capable capitalism long. Business will have to approach the market with total respect for the environment. If not, capitalism will destroy the very basis of its very own existence because it will destroy our natural resources. No natural resources means no capitalism. The capitalist stupidos – and there are a lot of them – need to go. They are behaving like little criminals with greed the only motive……I like money in my pocket as much as the next guy and there are a lot of things chewing away at my account balance, but this environmental chew- down is going to make money in my pocket impossible. I can demonstrate this with an example…... If the big wigs bring up nuclear to solve all problems, ask them how much enriched uranium do we have left (the answer is only a few years) and what do we do to make more (the answer is build huge plants that will use huge gobs of naturals resources to produce a small amount of enriched uranium to last only a few more years – thus a vicious circle. And guess what, the money in my pocket will be down to change only.

Stingray Kills 'Crocodile Hunter' Steve Irwin Dies While Filming in AustraliaCAIRNS, Australia (Sept. 4) -- Steve Irwin, the hugely popular Australian television personality and conservationist known as the "Crocodile Hunter," was killed Monday by a stingray while filming off the Great Barrier Reef. He was 44.

Bad News for Bush
American public may have finally gotten a reality lesson in that 60% of Americans in
a new poll think there will be more terrorism in the US because the country went to war in Iraq.

Geo. Bush – the President Quayle we never had!

US Deaths in Iraq Surpass 9/11 Toll
As the fifth anniversary of the September 11, 2001, attack on the United States approaches, another somber benchmark has just been passed. The announcement Sunday of four more US military deaths in Iraq raises the death toll to 2,974 for US military service members in Iraq and in what the Bush administration calls the war on terror.
(Fantastic! Now we have doubled our original loss from 9/11!)

This is the 39th time that the Bush Administration claims to have seized a top Al Qaeda in Iraq leader. We're being played for fools. The list of claims goes on and on.

Lie by Lie: Chronicle of a War Foretold: August 1990 to March 2003
Presented in Mother Jones article:
The first drafts of history are fragmentary. Important revelations arrive late, and out of order. In this timeline, we’ve assembled the history of the Iraq War to create a resource we hope will help resolve open questions of the Bush era. What did our leaders know and when did they know it? And, perhaps just as important, what red flags did we miss, and how could we have missed them? This is the first installment in our Iraq War timeline project.

Bush-Cheney = over a Billion Whoppers Served
Bush Adminsitration is trying to hold back public release of a devastagins new report on the dire situation in Iraq written by his own administration. Sept. 11, 2006 issue - Bush administration policymakers and their congressional backers may get some unwelcome news from a new analysis on Iraq that the office of intelligence czar John Negroponte will soon produce.

Truth is the way you stand up and say stop!

Just how slimy is Rumsfeld?
Hear what John Dean has to say regarding the ever so slimy, crooked chief of staff during the Nixon administration. In fact, Nixon calls Rumsfeld *slimy* in his diary!

Hillary Drops, Gore and Kerry Gain Among Democrats
Angus Reid Global Scan : Polls & Research

Five Years on: An Era of Constant Warfare (An Era of Constant HELL!)
Five years ago this week, the Taliban's al-Qa'ida allies made final preparations to launch devastating attacks on America that would precipitate the "war on terror," the US led invasion of Afghanistan and the subsequent invasion of Iraq. Far from ending terrorism, George Bush's tactics of using overwhelming military might to fight extremism appear to have rebounded, spawning an epidemic of global terrorism that has claimed an estimated 72,265 lives since 2001, most of them Iraqi civilians.

11 of America's Worst Places to Vote (or Try)
We used to think the voting system was something like the traffic laws - a set of rules clear to everyone, enforced everywhere, with penalties for transgressions; we used to think, in other words, that we had a national election system. As it turns out, except for a rudimentary federal framework, US elections are shaped by a dizzying mélange of inconsistently enforced laws, conflicting court rulings, local traditions, various technology choices, and partisan trickery. Mother Jones provides a list - partial, but emblematic - of American democracy's more glaring weak spots.

Powerful role for CBC if Dems win
The Congressional Black Caucus is positioned to dramatically increase its clout next Congress if Democrats win control of the House.
The 43-member group, already one of the most powerful blocs among House Democrats, would control as many as five committee gavels in a Democratic House, including two exclusive panels, Ways and Means and Judiciary.

Jacked: How "Conservatives" Are Picking Your Pocket
(Whether You Voted for Them or Not) (Paperback)
From the Publisher: Author, journalist, and Wall Street expert Nomi Prins examines the effects of Republican policies, scandals, and blunders by conducting a guided tour of a typical American wallet. Each chapter matches a wallet item to a set of political topics. The driver’s license leads to a discussion of gasoline prices, energy policy, and Iraq; the Social Security card leads out to the administration’s efforts to “reform” Social Security by weakening it; the credit card points to bankruptcy legislation and credit card company profits; the health insurance card is a reminder of soaring medical and insurance costs, and the cutting of Medicaid and Medicare, and so on. Crisscrossing the country to gather the personal experiences of a wide variety of Americans, Prins tells their stories, shows them trying to make ends meet, and questions why the government is failing them. Taken together, these lively, accessible chapters link the “conservative” record to its disastrous effects on ordinary people and tell us what we can do about it.

OP-ED: The GOP's War on Workers
The Republicans understand that destroying labor would result in the completion of the hostile takeover of our government by Big Money interests.

Our young people are facing quite low entry level salaries
and the benefits are disappearing for all. Entry-level wages have often trailed inflation, making it hard for many to cope with high housing costs and rising college debt loads.

As to the health industry – it is a perfect example of capitalistic greed. Free enterprise will shine only in a climate of competition you know. Hazardous meds, dangerous mammograms and many totally needless MRIs…. oooheee. Prices for health care are totally out of reach for so many of us. Meanwhile, the tax revenue checks keep going to the drug manufacturers, HMOs, hospitals and insurance companies. There is no incentive in this set up to contain the higher and higher pricing. Watch the masses turn the screw on this pitiful health industry – the masses will end up doing the robbing in order to pay for these exorbitantly priced set of health services. Sad isn't it that such a state of affairs exists in such a *wealthy* country as ours?

NOTE: If You Want Whiter Teeth
Before you invest in any of these solutions, the American Dental Hygienists' Association (ADHA) recommends that you have a complete dental checkup to be sure your dental health is good….Some tooth whitening methods have side effects, the ADHA says. Some may cause increased sensitivity in teeth or pain or irritation in the gums. Others may be particularly high in acid, which can damage the protective enamel on teeth.

Doctors Identify New Type of Sleep Apnea

(Ivanhoe Newswire) -- Researchers from the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn., have finally put a name to a phenomenon long seen in sleep laboratories: patients who exhibit both known kinds of sleep apnea.
(See first short article at end of news entrees for September 4, 2006.)

Better CPR
RICHMOND, Va. (Ivanhoe Broadcast News) -- Cardiac arrest happens when the heart suddenly stops beating. CPR is the standard way to resuscitate patients, but often, rescuers can't physically press hard enough and long enough to save a life. Now, there may be a better way to perform CPR, and it doesn't require any work on your part
(See second short article at end of news entrees for September 4, 2006.)

Better Bladder Cancer Detection
ROCHESTER, N.Y. (Ivanhoe Broadcast News) -- Every year, more than 61,000 people in the United States will be told they have bladder cancer. The cancer will return in as many as 90 percent of people who are treated for it. A new test catches those recurrences earlier and easier and is just four tiny drops away.
(See third short article at end of news entrees for September 4, 2006.)

Depression and Inflammation may go Hand-in-Hand
(Ivanhoe Newswire) -- People who are depressed are more likely to have exaggerated inflammatory responses to stressful situations, according to the results of a study released this week. Now, researchers want to know if that inflammation is behind the link between depression and heart disease ... or if it's the actual cause of depression.
(See fourth short article at end of news entrees for September 4, 2006.)

Optimal Digestion
tells you how to combine foods for safe, healthy results
Different timetables for digestion
The basic principles
(See fifth article at tend of news entrees for Septmeber 4, 2006.)

Okay everyone – it is time to review what to do when the cops stop by.
(See these instructions – the last article for this news listing.)
Article *1*

Doctors Identify New Type of Sleep Apnea
(Ivanhoe Newswire) -- Researchers from the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn., have finally put a name to a phenomenon long seen in sleep laboratories: patients who exhibit both known kinds of sleep apnea.

They're calling the combined condition "complex sleep apnea," noting it accounted for about 15 percent of all sleep apnea cases in a recent review of patients referred to their lab for sleep testing. Men were more likely to be affected by it than women.

What's the difference between complex sleep apnea and the other two types, known as obstructive sleep apnea and central sleep apnea? The investigators explain OSA is the most common form of the condition and occurs when throat muscles relax during sleep and block the flow of air. People with OSA usually snore loudly and suffer from many brief awakenings (apneas) during the night. That leads to daytime sleepiness.

OSA is easily treated with a device delivering Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP), which consists of an air pump connected to a face mask. CPAP pumps a steady flow of air into the airway, keeping it from collapsing and blocking breathing.

Central sleep apnea occurs when the brain fails to send the proper signals to the muscles that control breathing, also leading to awakenings, or apneas. While relatively rare, central sleep apnea (CSA) is more difficult to treat and usually doesn't respond well to CPAP.

Sleep labs often see patients who appear to be suffering from OSA but don't respond well to CPAP and begin having signs of CSA. The Mayo researchers hope giving the condition a name of its own will lead to more research and better treatments down the road. "Optimal treatment of these patients is not certain but merits additional study," they write.

This article was reported by, who offers Medical Alerts by e-mail every day of the week. To subscribe, go to:
Article *2*

Better CPR

RICHMOND, Va. (Ivanhoe Broadcast News) -- Cardiac arrest happens when the heart suddenly stops beating. CPR is the standard way to resuscitate patients, but often, rescuers can't physically press hard enough and long enough to save a life. Now, there may be a better way to perform CPR, and it doesn't require any work on your part.

Every single second matters when someone goes into cardiac arrest ... and only about 5 percent of patients will survive before reaching the hospital.

Jim Motes is one of the lucky ones. Two years ago, a massive heart attack nearly killed him. But he believes a new tool saved his life. "Without that, I truly believe that I would not be here," he says.

A portable device called The AutoPulse Resuscitation System actually performs CPR on its own. Paramedics position patients, fasten the band, and start the device.

The band compresses the entire chest and provides enough pressure to supply normal blood flow -- something emergency medicine physician Joseph Ornato, M.D., says rescuers can't physically do.

"There's no way that us humans can spread our hands' energy over the entirety of the chest," Dr. Ornato, of the VCU Medical Center in Richmond, tells Ivanhoe.

The AutoPulse runs on batteries. Another advantage? It doesn't get tired. It also frees paramedics to perform other tasks.

"It makes the job a lot easier. It's more effective," paramedic Mike Connell tells Ivanhoe.

Dr. Ornato says right now the automated CPR device is only being used by a handful of cities around the country even though it's FDA approved. He expects more places to adopt the automated CPR as further studies confirm its effectiveness. The AutoPulse only provides the chest compression portion of CPR. Rescue breathing is still needed.

In a study, 20 percent of patients who had the automated CPR survived before reaching the hospital. Only 11 percent who had standard CPR lived. Jim is proof it works. But he says he wouldn't have made it without the support of his wife Kathy.

"My wife is an angel, I love her," Jim says. "I didn't think it was possible to love somebody more."

This article was reported by, who offers Medical Alerts by e-mail every day of the week..

If you would like more information, please contact:

Malorie Janis
VCU Health System
1006 E. Marshal St.
Box 980426
Richmond, VA 23298
(804) 827-0889
Article *3*

Better Bladder Cancer Detection

ROCHESTER, N.Y. (Ivanhoe Broadcast News) -- Every year, more than 61,000 people in the United States will be told they have bladder cancer. The cancer will return in as many as 90 percent of people who are treated for it. A new test catches those recurrences earlier and easier and is just four tiny drops away.

Paul Smith loves retired life with his wife Sue and dog Ronan. "I just want to keep doing what I'm doing," Paul says. "I'm very happy with that." But five years ago, he was diagnosed with bladder cancer.

Since then, Paul's cancer has come back five -- different times. "The great news was that it had not invaded my bladder wall at all." But he'd rather do without the frequent tests to detect when the cancer returns. Those tests, called cystoscopies, use a thin device inserted right into the urinary tract.

"Most patients, after they've undergone it, will say, 'Well, I'd rather not go through that again,'" urologist Edward Messing, M.D., tells Ivanhoe.

Soon, patients may not have to. The NMP22 BladderCheck Test catches bladder cancer with four drops of urine. It detected 99 percent of cancers when used along with cystoscopy compared to just 91 percent found with cystoscopy alone.

Dr. Messing, of University of Rochester Medical Center in New York, says, "The NMP22 test may pick up a tumor we missed and then we go back in and look to be sure it was there -- and we didn't see it the first time." The urine test caught life-threatening cancers that cystoscopies missed.

"You not only save the patient from suffering but you have a much better chance of having the individual be cured," Dr. Messing says.

Paul has a cystoscopy every three months. He welcomes the new urine test. "On a scale from one to 10 is I would say, from an endurance standpoint, [The NMP22 test] is a half and the cystoscopy is a 10," he says.

And there's one more perk: The urine test is just one-fifth the cost of a cystoscopy.

Right now, the test is approved for use along with cystoscopy for monitoring bladder cancer and diagnosing it. Dr. Messing believes it could soon eliminate the need for a cystoscopy if the urine test comes back negative. However, people who have positive urine tests will still need to undergo a cystoscopy.

This article was reported by, who offers Medical Alerts by e-mail every day of the week.

If you would like more information, please contact:

Leslie White, Public Relations
James P. Wilmot Cancer Center
University of Rochester Cancer Center
(585) 273-1119
Article *4*

Depression and Inflammation may go Hand-in-Hand
(Ivanhoe Newswire) -- People who are depressed are more likely to have exaggerated inflammatory responses to stressful situations, according to the results of a study released this week. Now, researchers want to know if that inflammation is behind the link between depression and heart disease ... or if it's the actual cause of epression………Investigators from Emory University in Atlanta studied 28 otherwise healthy men. Half of the participants were diagnosed with major depression while the other half was depression-free. When faced with stressful situations, inflammatory markers in the blood rose in both the depressed men and the healthy controls, but levels were much higher in the men with major depression…..The depressed men in the study were more likely to have a history of early life stress as well, which could have contributed to the depression-inflammation link……"While inflammation is essential for us to fight bacterial and viral infections, too much inflammation can cause harm," reports study author Andrew Miller, M.D. "There's always some collateral damage when the immune system gets fired up, and we now believe that too much inflammation, either at rest or during stress, may predispose people to become depressed or stay depressed."…..The link between inflammation and depression could also help explain why people with depression are more likely to suffer from heart disease, diabetes, and other conditions that have been linked to an increased inflammatory response……Major depression is considered the leading cause of disability in countries all over the world. Costs associated with the condition in the United States come in at around $70 billion a year……This article was reported by, who offers Medical Alerts by e-mail every day of the week…………SOURCE: American Journal of Psychiatry, published online Sept. 1, 2006
Article *5*

Food Combos for Optimal Digestion

Americans have gotten so used to indigestion that we consider it virtually a normal way of life, routinely tolerating stomachaches, cramps, gas, diarrhea, constipation and the like. However, this need not be the case, and there are steps you can take to reverse this trend without use of antacids and other pharmaceuticals. According to Daily Health News contributing editor, Andrew L. Rubman, ND, how you put your meals together greatly influences their digestibility. In this month's Rubman's Digestion Connection, we tackle the science of combining foods for better digestion and absorption.

Every day we eat a variety of foods containing proteins, carbohydrates and fats from meat, fish, fruits and vegetables, etc. The body requires food diversity to meet its needs, explains Dr. Rubman. Yet each category of food requires different enzymes to digest them, and each category has its own timetable of digestion. This means that in order to achieve optimal digestibility and absorption, it is essential to monitor food combinations.

Fortunately, there are just a few simple rules to follow in order to correctly combine foods. Dr. Rubman advises...
Do not combine simple carbohydrates with highly saturated fats. Simple carbohydrates for example, from processed and refined sugars and from sugars in fruits (fructose), tend to be high-glycemic foods, meaning that, when eaten alone, they quickly raise blood glucose levels. In contrast, saturated fats such as those in red meat or processed meats, may take up to four hours to digest. The digestive process slows down for a time during this period, which allows potentially dangerous microorganisms in food the opportunity to feed on the carbohydrates which can lead to the infiltration of the digestive tract lining (or leaky gut syndrome) and cause digestive disturbances. The problem is especially pronounced for those who have insufficient stomach acid due to stress, aging or medication.

Dr. Rubman's suggestion: If you choose to eat your steak and potatoes, consider taking digestive enzymes to ensure you have adequate levels of stomach acid.

Do not eat fruits with meals. Dr. Rubman recommends eating fruits as an appetizer a half-an-hour before a meal, rather than as a dessert. He explains that fruits are normally digested very quickly. For example, when you eat fruit, just half an hour later you've digested it. When you eat fruits with other foods, however, you slow their digestion. The fruit sits and can ferment until all foods are ready to move on together. This, again, can allow damaging microorganisms such as Candida to gain a foothold in the body, warns Dr. Rubman.

When you belch after a meal, he points out that it is often not from swallowed air, but from gas and fermentation in the stomach due to improperly combined foods.
Just say no to dessert. The worst thing you can do is to put a simple carb on top of a healthful, balanced meal, notes Dr. Rubman. Sugary sweet high-glycemic desserts, which would normally be digested rapidly, instead sit and ferment while the whole meal undergoes lengthier digestion.

If you're going to eat sweets, it's best to eat them on an empty stomach for optimal digestion (of course, this is not so good for blood sugar, but that's a discussion for another day). Treat sweets as special treats rather than every day events, chew them slowly and thoroughly so the pleasure lasts longer.
Combine foods that contain different amino acids. Especially for the vegetarians among us, it's important to combine grains, fruits and vegetables -- which contain different amino acids -- in order to complete the essential amino acid profile, says Dr. Rubman. They do not need to be eaten together in one meal (although that's fine too). However, eat portions within a four hour time period. A black bean chili or white bean soup, and a healthful grain such as brown rice -- will do the trick. To learn more about these combinations, Dr. Rubman recommends taking a look at Diet for a Small Planet (Ballantine) by Frances Moore Lappé.
Chew foods very thoroughly. Chew foods until they are virtually in liquid form before swallowing. The more food is broken down in the mouth, the more readily it can pass through the rest of the gastrointestinal tract.

Of course, combining foods correctly is only part of an overall digestive strategy that also entails a diet filled with a rich variety of whole foods, with more healthful fats (wild salmon, avocados, olive oil, flaxseed, etc.) than saturated ones (hamburgers, hot dogs, french fries, etc.), and complex carbs such as whole grains and starchy vegetables instead of simple carbohydrates from white sugar. When the goal is healthful digestion, Dr. Rubman also strongly cautions against antacid use. Clever advertising seduces many consumers with digestive challenges to reach for these, when in reality Americans suffer from a shortage of, rather than excess, stomach acid. Also: Limit beverages during meals. They dilute digestive enzymes.

Whatever your digestive challenges, rest assured that there's a solution for you, and very often all that is entailed is making simple, healthful, common sense choices. When in doubt, consult a trained physician to help you devise a sensible plan.

Food Combos for Optimal Digestion
Andrew L. Rubman, ND, adjunct professor of clinical medicine, Florida College of Integrative Medicine, Orlando, and director, Southbury Clinic for Traditional Medicines, Southbury, CT.
Stopping Cancer Before it Grows

John J. Laterra, MD, PhD, research scientist, Kennedy Krieger Institute, Baltimore.


How To Deal With Police Officers - Magic Words?

When dealing with the police, keep your hands in view and don't make sudden movements. Avoid passing behind them. Nervous cops are dangerous cops. Also, never touch the police or their equipment (vehicles, flashlights, animals, etc.) - you can get beat up and charged with assault……The police do not decide your charges; they can only make recommendations. The prosecutor is the only person who can actually charge you. Remember this the next time the cops start rattling off all the charges they're supposedly "going to give you."

Interrogation isn't always bright lights and rubber hoses - usually it's just a conversation. Whenever the cops ask you anything besides your name and address, it's legally safest to (respectfully) say these Magic Words: "I am going to remain silent. I want to see a lawyer." ……This invokes the rights which protect you from interrogation. When you say this, the cops (and all other law enforcement officials) are legally required to stop asking you questions. They probably won't stop, so just repeat the Magic Words or remain silent until they catch on…….Remember, anything you say to the authorities can and will be used against you and your friends in court. There's no way to predict what information the police might try to use or how they'd use it. Plus, the police often misquote or lie altogether about what was said. So say only the Magic Words and let all the cops and witnesses know that this is your policy. Make sure that when you're arrested with other people, the rest of the group knows the Magic Words and promises to use them.

One of the jobs of cops is to get information out of people, and they usually don't have any scruples about how they do it. Cops are legally allowed to lie when they're investigating, and they are trained to be manipulative. The only thing you should say to cops, other than identifying yourself, is the Magic Words: "I am going to remain silent. I want to see a lawyer."

Here are some lies they will tell you:
"You're not a suspect - just help us understand what happened here and then
you can go."
"If you don't answer my questions, I'll have no choice but to arrest you. Do
you want to go to jail?"
"If you don't answer my questions, I'm going to charge you with resisting arrest."
"All of your friends have cooperated and we let them go home. You're the
only one left."

Cops are sneaky buggers and there are lots of ways they can trick you into talking. Here are some scams they'll pull:
Good Cop/ Bad Cop: Bad cop is aggressive and menacing, while good cop is nice, friendly, and familiar (usually good cop is the same race and gender as you). The idea is bad cop scares you so bad you are desperately looking for a friend. Good cop is that friend.

The cops will tell you that your friends ratted on you so that you will snitch on them. Meanwhile, they tell your friends the same thing. If anyone breaks and talks, you all go down.

The cops will tell you that they have all the evidence they need to convict you and that if you "take responsibility" and confess the judge will be impressed by your honesty and go easy on you. What they really mean is: "we don't have enough evidence yet, please confess."

Jail is a very isolating and intimidating place. It is really easy to believe what the cops tell you. Insist upon speaking with a lawyer before you answer any questions or sign anything. ………………..The Golden Rule: Never trust a cop.

The Miranda Warnings
The police do not have to read you your rights (also known as the Miranda warnings). Miranda applies when there is
(a) an interrogation
(b) by a police officer of other agent of law enforcement
(c) while the suspect is in police custody (you do not have to be formally arrested to be "in custody").
Even when all these conditions are met, the police intentionally violate Miranda. And though your rights have been violated, what you say can be used against you. For this reason, it is better not to wait for the cops " you know what your rights are, so you can invoke them by saying the Magic Words, "I am going to remain silent. I want to see a lawyer."

If you've been arrested and realize that you have started answering questions, don't panic. Just re-invoke your rights by saying the Magic Words again. Don't let them trick you into thinking that because you answered some of their questions, you have to answer all of them.

Police Encounters …..There are three basic types of encounters with the police: Conversation, Detention, and Arrest.
Conversation …When the cops are trying to get information, but don't have enough evidence to detain or arrest you, they'll try to weasel some information out of you. They may call this a "casual encounter" or a "friendly conversation". If you talk to them, you may give them the information they need to arrest you or your friends. In most situations, it's better and safer not to talk to cops.
Detention …….Police can detain you only if they have reasonable suspicion (see below) that you are involved in a crime. Detention means that, though you aren't arrested, you can't leave. Detention is supposed to last a short time and they aren't supposed to move you. During detention, the police can pat you down and go into your bag to make sure you don't have any weapons. They aren't supposed to go into your pockets unless they feel a weapon.
If the police are asking questions, ask if you are being detained. If not, leave and say nothing else to them. If you are being detained, you may want to ask why. Then you should say the Magic Words: "I am going to remain silent. I want a lawyer" and nothing else.

A detention can easily turn into arrest. If the police are detaining you and they get information that you are involved in a crime, they will arrest you, even if it has nothing to do with your detention. For example, if someone gets pulled over for speeding (detained) and the cop sees drugs in the car, the cops will arrest her for possession of the drugs even though it has nothing to do with her getting pulled over.
Cops have two reasons to detain you:
1) they are writing you a citation (a traffic ticket, for example), or
2) they want to arrest you but they don't have enough information yet to do so.

Police can arrest you only if they have probable cause (see below) that you are involved in a crime. When you are arrested, the cops can search you to the skin and go through you car and any belongings. By law, an officer strip searching you must be the same gender as you.
If the police come to your door with an arrest warrant, go outside and lock the door behind you. Cops are allowed to search any room you go into, so don't go back into the house for any reason. If they have an arrest warrant, hiding won't help because they are allowed to force their way in if they know you are there. It's usually better to just go with them without giving them an opportunity to search.

Reasonable Suspicion vs. Probable Cause
Reasonable suspicion must be based on more than a hunch - cops must be able to put their suspicion into words. For example, cops can't just stop someone and say, "She looked like she was up to something." They need to be more specific, like, "She was standing under the overpass staring up at some graffiti that hadn't been there 2 hours ago. She had the same graffiti pattern written on her backpack. I suspected that she had put up the graffiti."

Cops need more proof to say they have a probable cause than to say they have a reasonable suspicion. For example, "A store owner called to report someone matching her description tagging a wall across the street. As I drove up to the store, I saw her running away spattered with paint and carrying a spray can in her hand."

Never consent to a search! If the police try to search your house, car, backpack, pockets, etc. say the Magic Words 2: "I do not consent to this search." This may not stop them from forcing their way in and searching anyway, but if they search you illegally, they probably won't be able to use the evidence against you in court. You have nothing to lose from refusing to consent to a search and lots to gain. Do not physically resist cops when they are trying to search because you could get hurt and charged with resisting arrest or assault. Just keep repeating the Magic Words 2 so that the cops and all witnesses know that this is your policy.
Be careful about casual consent. That is, if you are stopped by the cops and you get out of the car but don't close the door, they can search the car and claim that they though you were indicating consent by leaving the door ajar. Also, if you say, "I'd rather you didn't search," they can claim that you were reluctantly giving them permission to search. Always just say the Magic Words 2: "I do not consent to this search."
If the cops have a search warrant, nothing changes - it's legally safest to just say the Magic Words 2. Again, you have nothing to lose from refusing to consent to a search, and lots to gain if the search warrant is incorrect or invalid in some way. If they do have a search warrant, ask to read it. A valid warrant must have a recent date (usually not more than a couple of weeks), the correct address, and a judge's or magistrate's signature; some warrants indicate the time of day the cops can search. You should say the Magic Words 2 whether or not the search warrant appears correct. The same goes for any government official who tries to search you, your belongings, or your house.

Infiltrators and Informants
Undercover cops sometimes infiltrate political organizations. They can lie about being cops even if asked directly. Undercover cops can even break the law (narcs get hazard pay for doing drugs as part of their cover) and encourage others to do so as well. This is not legally entrapment.

FBI and other government agents
The essence of the Magic Words "I'm keeping my mouth shut until I talk to a lawyer" not only applies to police but also to the FBI, INS, CIA, even IRS. If you want to be nice and polite, tell them that you don't wish to speak with them until you've spoken with your lawyer, or that you won't answer questions without a lawyer present. If you are being investigated as a result of your political activity, you can call the National Lawyers Guild at (415) 582-1055; they will help you find a lawyer you can talk to.

Taking Notes
Whenever you interact with or observe the police, always write down what is said and who said it. Write down the cops' names and badge numbers and the names and contact information of any witnesses. Record everything that happens. If you are expecting a lot of police contact, get in the habit of carrying a small tape recorder and a camera with you. Be careful - cops don't like people taking notes, especially if the cops are planning on doing something illegal. Observing them and documenting their actions may have very different results; for example, it may cause them to respond aggressively, or it may prevent them from abusing you or your friends.

People deal with police in all kinds of circumstances. You must make an individual decision about how you will interact with law enforcement. It is important to know your legal rights, but it is also important for you to decide when and how to use them in order to best protect yourself


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