Friday, September 08, 2006

September 8, 2006

Clowns and Harlots
John Cory writes: "We now live under a government and media run by clowns and harlots who peddle their wares from the corner of K Street and Pennsylvania Avenue all the way to Main Street, USA. They spray the night air with the rancid perfume of fear while selling cheap lipstick-lies that kill, as they offer the flesh of our Constitution to the highest corporate bidder."

Blair Says He'll Resign Within a Year
Prime Minister Tony Blair reluctantly promised Thursday to resign within a year, hoping that revealing a general time frame for his departure will appease critics who are calling for him to step down.

Pentagon Spends Billions to Outsource Torture
The thousands of mercenary security contractors employed in the Bush administration's "War on Terror" are paid for by American taxpayers, but they've handed Osama bin Laden his greatest victories - public relations coups that have transformed him from just another face in a crowd of radical clerics to a hero of millions in the global South.

Clinton Officials Protest 9/11 Mini-Series
Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, former National Security Adviser Sandy Berger, Clinton Foundation head Bruce Lindsey, and Clinton adviser Douglas Band all wrote in the past week to Robert Iger, CEO of The Walt Disney Co., to express concern over "The Path to 9/11."

Le Monde Bush and the Law
Le Monde points out that the US president has only come clean with the law in some respects in order to bend it in others, while the Los Angeles Times details the specific concessions in legal procedure the administration plans to wrest from Congress.

Britain forced to send more troops to Iraq :
Britain is to reinforce its military presence in Iraq in a move that reflects increasing concern about the threat to its troops and the inability of local forces to take over responsibility for the country's security.,,1865688,00.html

Iraq has "months" to avert collapse:
Iraq's leaders have just months
to mend their differences or see their country collapse, the speaker of parliament told wrangling deputies on Wednesday after a car bomb caused dozens of casualties in the morning rush hour.

Shiites submit draft law to divide Iraq :
Iraq's dominant Shiite political alliance has submitted to parliament a draft law governing the division of the country into autonomous regions.

Robert Fisk on Lebanon: "The Ceasefire Can't Work":
"The cease-fire can't work for all kinds of reasons...The UN are not going to block the Syrian border, the Lebanese army has to do it and they're not going to be able to - you can't - Syria is too big a country."

An unimaginable loss of life:
Since 1997, approximately 4 million people have been killed as a result of the civil war (and foreign interventions) in the Congo. That comes down to approximately 444,000 per year or 37,000 per month or about 1,200 per day.

Lobbying Probe Looks at Payments To DeLay's Wife:
The Justice Department's congressional lobbying-and-bribery investigation is looking into whether former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay's wife received money from a lobbying firm for a no-show job, recent FBI interviews indicate.

The Big Buy - Tom Delay's Stolen Congress:
The Big Buy: Tom DeLay's Stolen Congress is the story of one of the most blatant power grabs in American history. Video:

Gore Predicts Shift in Bush Climate Policy
Former US Vice President Al Gore predicted on Tuesday that President George W. Bush would shift to do more to fight global warming, under Republican pressure from California to New York. Gore praised California for passing the first bill in the United States to cap emissions after a deal between Republicans and Democrats last week.

Texas Journalist Patrols Grisly Juarez Beat
Diana Washington Valdez has covered the slayings of Juarez women since 1999 and was suspicious of official explanations from the beginning. Her book, coming out in English in September, offers a comprehensive theory for the murders.

Voluntary C-Sections Result in More Baby Deaths
A recent study of nearly six million births has found that the risk of death to newborns delivered by voluntary Caesarean section is much higher than previously believed. Researchers have found that the neonatal mortality rate for Caesarean delivery among low-risk women is 1.77 deaths per 1,000 live births, while the rate for vaginal delivery is 0.62 deaths per 1,000.

Genetically modified crops can turn pesticides back into posion after consumption:

Beta blockers promote diabetes:

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