Monday, September 11, 2006

September 11, 2006

“Youth is the first victim of war; the first fruit of peace. It takes 20 years or more of peace to make a man; it takes only 20 seconds of war to destroy him.” :
King Baudouin I: King of Belgium

Sen. Graham: U.S. 'Screwed Up' in Iraq

"If we back out of this fight ... your children and grandchildren will never know peace," Graham warned…..He told the audience, "I come here with more questions than answers" about fighting terrorism. "How do you deal with people who have no place on the planet for you

Rockefeller: Bush Duped Public On Iraq
"The absolute cynical manipulation, deliberately cynical manipulation, to shape American public opinion and 69 percent of the people, at that time, it worked, they said 'we want to go to war,'" Rockefeller told CBS News correspondent Sharyl Attkisson. "Including me. The difference is after I began to learn about some of that intelligence I went down to the Senate floor and I said 'my vote was wrong.'"

Army general says Rumsfeld refused to plan for post-war Iraq
Long before the United States invaded Iraq in 2003, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld forbade military strategists to develop plans for securing a post-war Iraq, the retiring commander of the Army Transportation Corps said Thursday. In fact, said Brig. Gen. Mark Scheid, Rumsfeld said "he would fire the next person" who talked about the need for a post-war plan.

Cheney’s Power No Longer Goes Unquestioned
From those first moments five years ago when Secret Service agents burst into Vice President Dick Cheney’s office on Sept. 11, lifted him off his feet and propelled him to the underground Presidential Emergency Operations Center, the man who had returned to Washington that year to remake the powers of the presidency seemed unstoppable.

From his home in clouded cuckoo land: Cheney reasserts Iraq/al-Qaeda links:
US Vice-President Dick Cheney repeated assertions on Sunday on links between the former Iraqi regime of Saddam Hussein and al-Qaeda despite a recent Senate intelligence committee report that concluded otherwise.,_i_email=y.html

In war, there are no unwounded soldiers: Jose Narosky

The Hidden Scope of Domestic Spying Since 9/11
The scope of domestic surveillance has steadily expanded since 9/11. But lawmakers and privacy experts complain of too little information on it.

Report: Ford board will get option of cutting 6,000 more jobs

Ford's board will have the option of cutting roughly 6,000 more jobs than previously announced, the Detroit Free Press is reporting.

9/11 Inside Job - From The Netherlands National Television
This was seen by more then 500.000 people, last week. This weekend they will have a big debate about it nation wide.

'Fiction over fact' in 9/11 show
The first part of a controversial series on the 11 September attacks was misrepresentative despite being re-edited, the Clinton Foundation says

Robert Scheer: Gaping Holes in the 9/11 Narrative
There is glaring evidence that the latter was the case. The 9/11 Commission report contains a disclaimer box on page 146, in which it is stated that the report’s account of what happened on 9/11 was in considerable measure based on what those key witnesses allegedly told interrogators, and that the commissioners were not allowed to meet the witnesses or their interrogators.

I believe that justice is instinct and innate; the moral sense is as much
a part of our constitution as that of feeling, seeing and hearing:
Thomas Jefferson : 3rd US president,
(principal author of the)
Declaration of Independence, 1743-1826.

9/11 - The inevitable consequence of our choices
A mind set exists which allows us to think, that simply because we were born within these borders, we are somehow entitled to a enjoy a greater degree of respect and dignity than we are prepared to acknowledge are the birth right of all the worlds people.

American Airlines is threatening to sue Disney/ABC
I think it is important for you to know that ABC had factual errors in its dramatization, and we are looking at possible legal actions as a result.

The Truth behind 9/11: Who Is Osama Bin Laden?
CIA's Beardman confirmed, in this regard, that Osama bin Laden was not aware of the role he was playing on behalf of Washington.

The myth of fair elections in America

The debacle surrounding the Republican victory in 2000 demonstrated to the world that America's electoral process is wide open to abuse. But as Paul Harris discovers, the system has actually worsened since then,,1866780,00.html

Worried CIA Officers Buy Legal Insurance
CIA counterterrorism officers have signed up in growing numbers for a government-reimbursed, private insurance plan that would pay their civil judgments and legal expenses if they are sued or charged with criminal wrongdoing, according to current and former intelligence officials and others with knowledge of the program.

Dad wants Christie locked up (Christie from New Jersey)
The heartbreaking words of a grieving father who watched the slow, painful death of his Ground Zero hero son captivated yesterday's congressional hearing to probe the government's response to health risks after 9/11….. Then Joseph Zadroga, like many others who spoke yesterday at the day-long special hearing in Manhattan, blasted Christie Whitman, then-head of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, for falsely reassuring people like his son that the air around Ground Zero was safe. …..
"I think she should go to jail," Zadroga said.

Poisonous clouds of pollution spread after Israel air strike
Lebanese minister says damage was deliberate, causing 'an even bigger disaster than the war itself' - More people will die as a result of pollution unleashed by Israel's bombing of the Lebanon than perished in the month-long war itself, the Lebanese government believes.

Mickey Mouse's Karl Rove, Zenia Mucha
What possible incentive could she have for trashing Disney's brand and losing money on an ad-free propaganda piece that helps the conservative movement? Maybe this incentive.

Romney keeps tight rein on Health Dept.
Specialists assert politics playing role in key decisions…"Four times during the past nine months, Governor Mitt Romney and his aides have reversed decisions by his public health commissioner or heavily influenced the adoption of policies consistent with the governor's conservative social views."

Secret CIA prisons should not be closed: Rice
According to the White House, around 1,000 people had been interrogated in secret CIA prisons abroad. The remaining 14 prisoners had been brought at the beginning of last week to the military detention centre at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

Merkel criticizes U.S. over CIA prisons
"The use of such prisons is not compatible with my understanding of the rule of law," Merkel said in Berlin.

U.S. Training Paid Off: Baghdad control brings new abuse to Abu Ghraib:
The notorious Abu Ghraib prison is at the center of fresh abuse charges just a week after it was handed over to Iraqi authorities, with claims that inmates are being tortured by their new captors.

Face up to the Criticism!:
I am the daughter of the former president of the Central Council of Jews in Germany Heinz Galinski, who was also a survivor of the Nazi concentration camps, I have felt it my duty to join the European Jews for a Just Peace. While we, the members of this organization, may differ widely on issues such as faith, Zionism, and nationality, we all agree on one point: the responsibility for this conflict largely rests with Israel.

No word on HP chairwoman's fate
Hewlett-Packard Co.'s board of directors adjourned an emergency phone conference Sunday without announcing a decision on the fate of embattled Chairwoman Patricia Dunn, who is facing calls to resign or be fired for her role in an internal investigation that may have used illegal means to spy on colleagues and journalists.;_ylt=AphGzDLWWcrGo2yvdbu3y.Os0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTA3b2NibDltBHNlYwM3MTY

Anti-incumbent sentiment is widespread
Dissatisfied with Congress, voters would probably hang a "Help Wanted" sign on the U.S. Capitol if given the chance. "They're not doing their job," says Scott Newland, 39, an independent voter who backed President Bush in 2004….. angry sentiments echo up and down the Ohio River Valley as it cuts through Republican-held congressional districts in Indiana, Kentucky, and Ohio — politically pivotal House seats in an election year in which Democrats hope to end 12 years in the minority.

Take Note:
Homeless Americans are given less support than illegal aliens right now!
It is a tragic mix-up when the United States spends $500,000 for every enemy soldier killed, and only $53 annually on the victims of poverty:
Martin Luther King, Jr: 1929-1968

Family members jailed after raiding food from Dumpster:
Their crime? Taking five cucumbers, four or five apricots, two bundles of asparagus spears and a handful of cherries from a garbage can at Sweet Pea Produce. Their sentence? Six months in the Routt County Jail.

Mayor Vetoes Chicago "Living Wage" Bill
Mayor Richard Daley, in his first ever use of the veto, nixed an ordinance that would have required mega-retailers to pay their workers more than other employers after some of the nation's largest stores - including Wal-Mart Stores Inc. - warned the measure would keep them from opening their doors within the city's limits.

Chile Makes "Morning After Pill" Free to All
The Chilean government decreed that all public health centers must provide birth control, including emergency contraception, to adolescents and women over the age of 14 - a measure that immediately drew the ire of the Catholic Church and the right-wing opposition parties.

Stolen body parts 'sold to NHS' :
Potentially contaminated body parts allegedly stolen in the US may have been implanted into British patients, a government agency says

Corruption exposed! A National Institute of Health researcher
accepted more than $100,000 in cash from pharmaceutical companies and
failed to report the income, the Los Angeles Times reported on Sunday.
The money came from Merck and Pfizer. Full story at:

How drugs are actually worsening problems with crime and violence in modern society.
Did you know that school shootings almost always involve children who are taking
antidepressant drugs? Read the full feature at:

A miracle cancer drug called Glivec
has now been found to cause severe heart problems, including heart failure. It turns out the
biochemical mechanism targeted and shut down by the drug is needed to support the heart.
Will conventional medicine EVER learn?

The FDA's recent effort to whitewash the story on mercury fillings
has been exposed by an advisory panel! As it turns out, the FDA's silly announcement that mercury fillings are safe for humans is based on scientific nonsense. Or, more likely, just plain nonsense without even a trace of scientific anything. Read the details at:

How many drugs is grandma taking? Far too many, it turns out.
Some elderly are choking down a dozen drugs a day, and many are toxic combinations that destroy the liver, heart, kidneys and brain. Learn the shocking truth about "drugging the elderly" in today's story:


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